I am sorry for those of you who have missed these wise scribblings of a deranged mind. About a month ago I found myself agreeing with major portions of the democrat platform especially as it applies to abortion, gun control, gender politics, taxation, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, health care, marriage, and minimum wage. In a word I was depressed.
I did the only thing I could do, it was either check myself into The Betty Ford Center, or listen to Rush 24/7 archives breaking out only to take in Mark Levin's daily program. I chose the former, where I spent an incredible month relaxing in a spa, listening to my therapist explain why I was weakening on my conservative positions on the above issues given the constant barrage of propaganda spewing from the popular media and entertainment industries. She brought me back to my senses and when Putin laughed at our president, I chuckled at his, our president's, chuckle-headed response to Russian aggression in the free market.
What is Vlad thinking? If he thinks he can force a better life for his people and his country by making it easier for him to sell his oil and natural gas on the open market to the highest bidder, then he must think he lives in America, where men and companies are free to conduct business in a safe and fair market place where profits are protected by the rule of law, crony capitalism, and not by threats of confiscation.
And now Vlad and the Iranians have struck a deal which involves oil for barter, skipping the formerly required conversion of oil into US dollars step which has been a requirement since we won World War II.
Well, we may have won that war, and we may have won the Cold War, but we have lost the economic war by not defending our currency. The US dollar is quickly becoming the world's joke currency. We are the new Zimbabwe. China, Russia, and Iran are backing away from it. How long before OPEC breaks away from the dollar? What will become of the US?
Indeed, what will become of us all? I had a dream of an America without wealth. Commerce halted. Big farming halted. Transportation halted. Industry halted. Medicine and healthcare halted. Walmart with empty shelves. People of all economic strata, equal at last, the utopian dream. The poor unable to buy for lack of money. The rich unable to buy for lack of production. People lining up at the abortion clinics hoping for a scrap of meat. Neighborhoods devoid of pets that were long ago placed on the table. A taste for human flesh, cannibals among us are identified by their BMI of greater than 2.5%, and executed then quartered and fed to the starving masses. State sponsored cannibalism is OK, black market cannibalism is illegal in all 50 states except in Washington DC where it is legal on the 4th of July.
The rich escape to the oceans but must from time to time try to land for essentials of fresh water and fruits and vegetables. Pirates make these landings dangerous but interesting. Only the thin and sickly are safe from suspicion. Tribes are quickly formed with local alliances for the protection of the band. Outsiders are shunned. Bridges are destroyed to stop transgression from the crowded inner cities to the country. The population of our country falls to 100 million within six months, and 25 millions within a year.
And that is the brighter picture.
Now I learn the weirdest of the weirdos at Dartmouth have taken over the Dartmouth administration building demanding special rights, higher quotas for nonwhites, more gender neutral bathroom facilities, sex change operations covered in the student health care plans, with no premium increase of course, and their final absurd demand is to change the name to "Dartanus"!
If the administration caves to the first three demands they may as well cave to the last. Of course the pronunciation would be Dart-an-us, or Dar-tanus not the other funny way.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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