Friday, November 21, 2014

Urban Poverty Law Center Laser Focus On Double Secret Amnesty, Or How America Ceased To Be Or Not To Be That Is The Question.

I watched with horror and dismay our non-resident President Barack Insane Obama, explain his tortured reasoning for granting executive amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens. Who, here in America, are living in "the shadows" in plain view of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the border patrol and many of our local sheriffs. My question is which of these 5 million of the, by some estimates, 50 millions have won the lucky citizenship lottery?

Is it Paedro or Ricko, Consualo, or Maria? Who will be chosen for the treatment? Will it be first come first serve like the service at the Verizon Superstore or will each democrat politician be able to grant this amnesty via a quota. If Nancy Pelosi is allowed to speak out on this it might go something like this: "We will have to first grant amnesty to see how many new American citizens we have!"

For example, every democrat senator might be able to grant 100,000 permits for legal citizen status, and running the numbers for the new congress assuming there are no last minute democrat steals, ala Al,Dung-Beetle, Franken, D MN, that would use up about 4,200,000 units. These could of course be used as fund raising opportunities for said Senators. I could see most using up a dozen or more on the people who make their beds, and trim their hedges there in Washington.

President Obama must be allocated 300,000 units and of course his first one must go to himself as he was not born here and should not even be holding this office which he has used so successfully against the average American taxpayer. Joe Biden, as vice president, must be given 200,000 units, but because of his family's history of cocaine use, his grants of amnesty must be approved by a 3/4 vote of congress and he will be given regular piss tests to assure sobriety.

Now we are left with 300,000 units and these should be spread out among the Congress and the republicans in the senate, this will give each of these folks, who are soon to hold putative control 2/3 of 3/3 of the government a generous 1,000 citizenship grants each. Still a powerful fund raising tool if you hold out for IT engineers for your rich and powerful pals in Simi Valley.

I can already see the PSA for citizenship. CAll 1-800-EAT-TOCOs if you were unfairly denied US citizenship for M-13 Gang affiliation, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Dengue Fever, Ebola, Aids, or the heartbreak of psoriasis! The law firm of Holder, Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe are ready to represent your claim, you may be eligible for a cash award!

This is another scheme by the Obama administration for full employment for lawyers and community activists like ACORN, which I hear is playing its hand in Ferguson, Mo anxiously awaiting justice in the Michael Brown case. One can only hope the GJ announcement will be on a cold day so these parasites will have to bundle up and think twice about hurling Molotov Cocktails at our overweight policemen and national guardsmen.

Can America survive this influx of low entry level immigrants who do not share our culture, our language, or our common heritage? Of course she will. But look for the rule of law to be lost somewhere in the translation. All that is necessary for this transformation is for the Americans who make up the fabric of our society to wake up and play by the rules our government has set for themselves. It is every man for himself. What laws?, I don't follow no stinking laws.

If we allow these apes who now control our highest offices to continue to bastardize our institutions through the indoctrination of our children at government controlled schools and student loans, we will become just another third world crap hole, where crime is king and force at the barrel of a gun is the new rule of law.

Oh, its coming alright. The people of each state must make their own decisions. Follow our leader into oblivion or strike a blow for freedom with a Mark Levin convention of the state to reign in these power addled pols.

I am with Mark Levin.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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