Saturday, December 3, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Weekend Rants, Do Not Read If Not Healthy Enough For Sex

President Obama is starting a 17 day vacation in Hawaii where as Jay Carney puts it, he will read books on economics and put a team of third grade Singaporeans together to advise him on how to strip 2.75% from a bloated and wasteful federal budget. The other 16.9 days will be spent frolicking on the beach, body surfing, and playing 7,344 holes of golf. According to Carney, his White House spokesman, Obama is seeking the Guinness Record for most holes of golf played by a sitting Black United States President.

When the folks at Guinness assured him he had it after the first hole, Obama chided, "I don't want some nobody like Herman Cain even thinking about taking on my record."

Newt Gingrich raised media brows this past week when he blurted out in an interview, "I will be the republican nominee!"

Seems he did not believe what the mullahs who control our media think........."not unless we allow it!"

Media panties were heard snapping in tight bunches all over America, so much so former President Bill Clinton mistook its meaning and popped a viagra tablet mid interview with that putridly liberal post-menopausal gaggle of Clinton groupies at the View.

If you placed all four of these liberal hags in a large blender and whirred to liquefaction, after you poured off the "Cacklings" (these are the parts of a woman prone to gossiping and cruelty), you could not find one ounce of kindness nor a molecule of estrogen in amongst the tiny fraction of left over goo!

If you do not believe me, try it.

I have a cousin who works in Make-up for the production there and she said they go through "feminine hygiene products" by the case and they can't seem to expunge the unmistakable smell of WOP.

When I asked which of the four View she-demons were Italian, she look at me in bewilderment.

Then I explained back in the pre-political correctness era that was the term for an Italian American.

"Uncle Jack, will your generation ever let go of all that primitive discrimination? WOP to the non-discriminating Gen-Xer will always mean "worn out pussy!"

I did not have the heart to tell her discrimination lets us tell the difference between say lightning bug and lightning, to steal from my literary hero, Mr. MARK TWAIN!

Jackson Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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