Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Precident Obama: If You Can't Lead Us Forward, Stop Taking US Back

For goodness sakes, Mr. Precident, if you can't take the United States forward, please stop your policies which are taking this country backwards.

EPA ruling against cross state pollution threatens to close one fifth of our coal fired generating electrical plants. Backwards!

The EPA has declared carbon dioxide a pollutant and wants to control its emission through taxation and regulation. Backwards!

The ban on the incandescent light bulb scheduled to be in effect 1.1.12 in favor of a mercury containing fluorescent bulb. Backwards!

Ruling against the construction of a pipeline from Canada to Texas for oil known as your Keystone Copout now when we need to lower our dependence on Middle Eastern Oil sources while US unemployment running at 20% if you were honest with the numbers. Backwards!

Deficit spending 40% each year and opening the spigots at the Federal Reserve Bank.

Handing out grants to green energy companies who happen to be your biggest donors and bundlers in the form of government backed loan guarantees in the billions of dollars. Backwards!

Overseeing the BATF's Fast and Spurious Gun Walking exercise to strip Americans of their Second Amendment Rights. Criminal and Backwards!

Presiding over the sacking of the US Treasury of billions and billions of dollars, passed out to your friends at Goldman Sacks. Backward!

Your justice department looking the other way in voter fraud perpetrated by Acorn and its affiliates and by the voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party. Backwards!

Turning your back on Israel during the Arab Spring and the threat posed by Iran and its nuclear ambitions. Backwards!

Placing 20% of the nations GDP under government control through your poorly written and poorly planned health care act. Backwards!

Pulling out of Iraq with no chance of a stable self-governing body in place. Backwards

Bailing out GM and Chrysler with tax payer monies with no concessions from organized labor and your wholesale theft from the bondholders of these companies. Backwards!

Allowing Jon Corzine to sack and steal 3 billion dollars in MF Global and all we get is a congressional hearing. Backwards!

The Tea Party will see to it you gets the tools necessary to turn this country around. November, 2012. Forward, march!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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