Saturday, December 31, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center To Open Congressional Watchhogs Group

My junior high physical science teacher called this week to see if I was still alive and he suggests we put together a nonprofit organization to investigate the shenanigans going on in Washington, DC.

"Jackie, if you put this thing together and limited contributions to a maximum of 10 dollars and no minimum, you would have millions of dollars to carry out the investigation. You could hire a bunch of underemployed lawyers and private investigators and just see what comes to light in that den of thieves."

The press are unwilling to report on the corruption in the District of Columbia because they work for organizations that get revenue by way of campaign ads. A free press is a laugh. It takes a lot of money to put a newspaper out everyday, and they can't be biting the hand that feeds or that can bleed them.

I am getting too old to take on such a responsibility, but I will see if I can get some of my younger Finkbinder nieces and nephews interested in getting in on the ground floor with this thing. I know, dear reader, you will say what about Judicial Watch, and the American Civil Liberties Union and Grover Norquist? And I say forget the ACLU, their only interest is expunging God and prayer from elementary and secondary schools. And Judicial Watch had become too phat and has lost the fire in the belly to do little more than bark at the politicians as they carry out their day to day criminal activities.

Name one major disclosure from this bunch of watch dog groups? Anything meaningful? Nope, nada, nothing, nil, nein, negative, not one tiny bit of insider corruption, and even if say Charlie Rangel is caught cheating on his taxes or the fellow in congress taking bribes and found with 90,000 dollars of cold hard cash in his freezer back home in Louisiana, a congressman whose name I forget, nothing becomes of it.

You may be thinking "Why not be a citizen watchdog group?"

As I said before those dogs only bark and only at the flagrant and offensive corruption. Ours is to be a "WatchHog's group because we intend to root out all forms of governmental corruption and squeal on "them hogs in Washington who are corrupt and stealing from the federal slop trough filled with taxpayer dollars."

A baby hog's squeal is instantly noted by the adult hogs and they take action. We are hoping we can be a cause for real change in Washington's District of Corruption.

Please send your tax deductible contribution of $10 dollars to:

The Urban Poverty Law Center's DC Squealers
PO Box 13
Cedar Grove, TN 38321

We hope to be in Washington with boots on the ground by March, 2012. With your help we can. I have already joined and my $10 is in the change jar by the dryer. I have hired my sister who is an underemployed lawyer with a Yale undergrad degree in Chinese peasantry customs to set up the organization under the 501-C3 IRS codes to avoid serious jail time.

We need to shine the light of truth on the dark wheeler and dealers who have taken up residency just out of sight on the underbelly of our federal government and who are threatening our liberties and our property with their unlawful actions.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center and

Founding Father(Master Hog) Urban Poverty Law Center's DC Squealers

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