Thursday, December 22, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center: Kim Jung's Il's Dead, Senate House Stale

The word out of North Korea is the tiny tempest in a teapot dictator and bad guy Kim Jung Il has begun breaking down into his base elements. His third son Kim Jong Jones, 27, is reported to be the heir to the leadership vacuum left by Il's untimely death.

Il's personal physician, Mia Bahd Luck, MD, reported the charismatic world leader scummed to congestive heart failure as he was lead to the his position of honor in front of an eight man firing squad.

President Obama is sending Bill and Hillary Clinton to represent the US at the state funeral planned for just after Christmas.

The last US troops pulled out of Iraq and already loud explosions are heard around Baghdad in celebration of Iraq's liberation from freedom. Perhaps that part of the world needs a certain amount of sectarian violence to stay interested in life.

Personally, I prefer lying on the couch with the remote to pulling shrapnel out of my hinney. I think I will get some milk and cookies before I go back to the couch.

All of our western violence is embedded in the financial aspects of our lives and as yet not become physical.

The stalemate between the house and the senate over a miserly 2% social security funding shortage, is a direct attack against our seniors since this shorts the SS trust fund of some say upwards of $500 billions a year. This loggerhead continues to titillate the Obama press choir. Clubbing republicans over the head with money taken from granny and given to the young and fit workers lucky enough to hold onto a job in this economic quagmire of Obama's making makes the Obama Media Mouthpieces joyous even during Christmas, which is generally their least favorite time of year. They hate Christians. Government is the only god to which they pay homage. They will go to hell. Back to the social security robbery.

Does this mean if we raise taxes by 4% on these same tax and pension payers we would collect an extra trillion dollars which could be wasted along with the other 4 trillion each year? If we can tax everybody 4% and raise a trillion dollars, why am I paying 35% along with the other top percenters to only raise 1.8 trillion? WTF?

My God, what on earth would an 8% national sales tax raise? It would probably suck all the cash out of the underground economy and place it into real criminal's hands, congress.

Just say no to the national sales tax!

The economy is getting better according to the reports coming out of the White House whose impartiality can certainly NOT be questions 10 months before the toughest re-election quest ever undertaken in modern times.

If you are good, re-election is a snap. When you suck, it is a little harder. But still it can be done if Mitt Romney is YOUR opponent. The people will keep Obama and change the Senate. Game over. America's suffering is only half over for now.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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