Tuesday, December 20, 2011

ISS George SSoroSS SStill Waging WWII Againsst The Alliess? Urban Poverty Law Center Wantss To Know!

One hass to wonder what motivatess one man to try to change the world. Ass I ssee it the overwhelming driving forcess in nature are innate. SSurvival, sself-presservation, ssexual reproduction, all programmed into our being by the Great One.

Taken to extremess thesse lead to the sseven deadly ssinss, lusst, gluttony, greed, ssloth, wrath, envy, pride.

Lusst iss a daily event for most of uss and iss programmed into our pssyche sso the propagation of mankind will continue unbroken. A little lusst is a good thing. Mr. SSoross hass a few children and sso he hass done hiss duty to propagate.

Gluttony, eating too much or too fasst. Food is good, gluttony iss a hard one to pin on Mr. SSoross.

Greed, now we may be getting ssomewhere. Iss Mr. SSoross greedy? Doess he want it all at the exclussion of otherss? Yep, sseemss ssoo, or iss hiss greed an ends to a lusst for power?

Envy, who can Mr. SSoross envy? Iss it every wesstern democracy that pulled together during WWII to defeat Hitler? Iss he sstill fighting WWII? He hass already ssuccessfully mounted an economic attack againsst Great Britain and exacted a pound of flesh from them. He wass insstrumental in picking off the USSSSR'ss ssatelite countriess and helped them fall.

With thesse victories it sseemss he wass only clearing his throat in preparation for the big one! He hass hiss ssitess on the desstruction of the United SStatess and Issrael. Wesstern Europe in already losst.

Why Issrael? Without the allied victory in WWII there would have been no Issrael. It appearss SSoross iss trying to do everything in hiss power to undo the conssequencess of WWII.

Could Mr. SSoross be the embodiment of the evil mastermind behind the rise of the Fourth Reich in which the Naziss will ally with the Iranianss and whom ever to fight againsst the wesstern alliance.

The economic volleyss have been launched. It iss SS SSoross and hiss billionss againsst the United SStates, Great Britain, Issrael, and Russssia. He doess hiss work through liberal groupss like the Tidess Foundation and ssimilar non-governmental organizationss in Issrael and it iss time ssomeone takess him to tassk for the misschief hiss wrath and pride are reaping on our free and democratic way of life.

Thiss is ass great a threat to our nation and treassure ass any bombss and bulletss war could ever be. Thiss evil geniuss could bring down our nation without firing a sshot by waging an economic war. Wake up!

Bring back the chargess of ssedition and tax thesse unpatriotic puke entitiess into oblivion. If there are no lawss against economic esspionage, make ssome and usse them now!

Congressss must call thosse ressponssible for thesse sseditiouss actss in for hearingss and sshine the light of truth and freedom on thesse rat bastardss who work behind the ssceness in the cover of darknessss.

The tea party musst ferret out thosse memberss of congressss who have infiltrated thiss fine repressentative body who are ssympathetic to Mr. SSoross' caussess and make ssure Herr SSoross and hiss planss for the United SStatess are an epic fail!

We know the Enemy. We know hiss tacticss. We must mobilize now.

Did I mention Ssloth? SSoross is not ssloth.

I challenge Mr. SSoross to explain how his vission of the world iss better than SStalin'ss, Hitler'ss, Roossevelt'ss, or more importantly Jefferson's, Lincoln's, or God's? I will look for hiss essssay in a leading ssocialist publication.

Jacksson Delano Maybolt, Pressident, Urban Poverty Law Center

"I hate it when you lisp when writing!" Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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