Sunday, December 25, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Has A Christmas Miracle, Really

Merry Christmas everybody!

I know you do not have a lot of time over the busy holiday with visits from your favorite aunts who want to buy you the most hideous tie on the market or that fruit cake the family has been passing around from person to person over the last three decades, so I will make it brief.

My Sister, June Bug, came to mommas to cook the Christmas breakfast and she had bought a dozen eggs over and asked me to grab the items she had not brought in which were still out in her car and I did. Once I got in the house I dropped one bag, the one with the eggs in it and broke 6 of the dozen.

Needless to say I was in the dog house, nothing open today, Christmas, and June Bug's recipe for sausage casserole calls for a dozen eggs. I suggested she look out in the chicken coop as I had not checked for eggs for the last couple of days. Rain and lazy, I guess, but she said she knew those old hens were only laying about an egg amongst them a day and a half dozen would be dreaming. And though I knew what she said was true, I said miracles do happen still.

She went out and came back with seven brown eggs from one nest.

A Christmas miracle if ever I did see one!

Our Lord works in wondrous and mysterious ways.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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