Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center to Test Drive Ford Shelby Mustang, Iran Gets Its Drone

Last week we learn the Iranians have picked up a super spy drone called the RT-170. It is said to be of CIA origins and was hiking on the border between Afghanistan and Iran when it landed perfectly preserved in an Iranian field where a group of senior Republican Guards were practicing secret drone capturing maneuvers. Imagine their surprise when the stealth delta winged pilotless craft containing a billion and a quarter's worth of super secret cameras, computer systems, and the stealth technology only known to three persons at Lockheed industries came out of the sky, just a little shy of Moline. Muckmood fell off is tractor, couldn't believe what he'd seen.

Reports at the scene say the drone greeted its Republican Guard captors in Farsi and protested when it was sodomized with a fork lift when it was being loaded onto the flat bed trailer. It has been droning on and on since its capture, so much so the Iranians are considering placing a burka on it in an attempt to quiet it. Needless to say nerves are beginning to fray in Iran.

The Chinese have sent an envoy with promises to cooperate in anyway they can with the Iranians. By next week these will be available in a miniaturized version at Walmart complete with camera chips and radio controllers just in time for Christmas!
I will get two so I can dog fight them.

In other domestic news, Newt Gingrich sings for his votes in Iowa. Different Verse, same as the first. He trots out his conservative bonafides and only the news media believes him. Conservatives everywhere can hear the talk, but are just not so into watching him do the Newtron Bomb. His walk over these many years since 1994 has been progressive to coin a term. The one thing he has going for him is he is not Obama, but 330 million Americans share that with Newt, so it is not so special as it might seem at first glance.

Newt is so progressive, he could put on a white pantsuit and apron, don a black wig, some red lipstick and sell auto insurance 3 billions times a year and only Flo could tell it wasn't her in those cheesy commercials.

Newt has lost his shine. The filthy Freddy Mack Money and any money pulled out of Fanny has to be sullied and soiled by definition. Medicare money is filthy since it was scheduled to go to big medicine and pharma, and those nasty doctors who look at naked bodies all day long, day in and day out. Yuck!

There is only one doctor with whom I would trade places. And that would be Shania Twain's Gynecologist. I have used that quip since the early 1990's when Ms. Twain first hit the country music scene. It still works on a very few of us.

Got to cut this short this am as a representative from the Ford Motor Company is bringing a 2012 Shelby GT 500 mustang out to let the Urban Poverty Law Center use it for a month to present a report on it. It is part of their out reach program. I will drive the crap out of it and report to you in the near future, if I survive.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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