Thursday, December 15, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Protests US Loss Of Bill Of Rights

The senate is poised to pass and Precidence Barack (Whose Sane?) Obama is planning to sign a bill that would allow the US military to pick up US citizens in America suspected of being terrorist(by whose definition?) and hold them indefinitely without trial or limits. Who is the judge? Where is my trial in front of a jury of my peers(doubtfully peers, Jack Maybolt is peerless)?

I do not mind if they do this on foreign soil, where generally the US military has these powers, but on the homeland? This is over reaching. We are no longer safe in our homes, in our jobs, or at our children's band concerts.

"Are you Jack Maybolt?"

"Why, yes I am."

"Come with me. You are under arrest by the power wrested from the constitution by the Washington Kleptocracy."

"What am I charged with, soldier?"

"I am not at liberty to share that with you, sir."

"But my nephew is playing the tambourine and his big solo is coming up after the intermission."

"Sorry, sir. No exceptions. You should have considered this before you wrote the words of sedition against Washington DC."

"But what about freedom of speech and of the press?"

"Do you have any press papers?"

"No, unless my AARP membership card has it as a benefit?"

"Sir, writing is not protected speech. The ninth district court of appeals so ruled last week."

"Up is down, right is wrong, in is out, air is water, black is white, dogs are cats, people are pigs, pigs are politicians, the enemy is us."

"Sir, anything you say can be used against you in a court of law if you ever get a trial."

America the doors are closing. Is it time to put up a wall on the northern and southern borders to keep us in? People who have limited freedoms like to migrate to areas of more freedom. Only way to keep us home is to imprison us. Step one is in the bill before the senate today.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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