Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Founds "Not One More Dollar Foundation"

Financial Markets Terrorist, George Soros, who has been talking up the doomed Euro and down the US dollar is poised to make a trillion dollars should his plays pan out. Euro down and out, dollar up and about. With that kind of money his children will see to it he gets a damn fine nursing home in which to live out his golden years. He is 85 and the WWII vets are dying at an alarming, yet not unexpected rate. I count him in among this group because it is rumored he aided the Nazis in their confiscation of Jewish property from his neighbors in his Hungarian village when he was just an impressionable lad of 14.

It was the Soros sponsored Tides Foundation that wrote the stimulus bill that Nasty Pelosi and Harry "Bent" Reed rushed through congress and Obama signed into law. Soros used his insider information to make no lose bets on his favored companies and I am sure there was a little feathering of the Pelosi/Reed nests as well. The open corruption of our congressional leaders is disheartening to the regular people who do not play by the fast and loose set of ruling class rules.

There needs to be hearings, trials, fines, punishments, and gitmo-time for these seriously damaged public servants. We are a nation of laws and not men, a nation which now finds itself in the unenviable position of being lead by an unscrupulous band of outlaws from both sides of the isle. America's ship of state is floundering in a financial sea of hopelessness and despair. Captained by the best bunch of corporate puppets big money and big media can foist on a gullible electorate.

It is high time we forget about occupying wall street, it is lost. We must occupy main street and send honest patriots from main street to Washington where our best hope for righting these wrongs will come from Occupying Washington. We must do everything in our power to label these lifetime politicians as allies or enemies of the state. There is no room for corruption in our America.

The rise or fall of the American dollar will be inextricably linked to our success at rooting out corruption in our government. I think we can all agree if a reptile of George Soros' class can buy favors from our congress, we need a new congress. If they insist on insider trading and putting personal gain above national interest they must be defeated at the ballot box.

Tea Partiers will determine the direction this nation takes in the next election. Only the morally fit and honest patriots need apply. We and our children deserve better. Most of us feel we are taxed enough already to support an honest and moral government, but paying even one dollar of tribute to this corrupt collection of crony capitalism pushing hucksters is too much. Perhaps the best way to limit corruption in Washington today is to de-fund it. Tax paying patriots may have to show some backbone and stop contributing to the crime in Washington.

I suggest we declare 2013 tax freedom year. If we all voluntarily decide to underpay our income taxes by one dollar, the IRS would have to hire millions to track down each offender and the extra 25 cents in interest and penalties would not offset the expense to collect the tax. If this works, in 2014 we can underpay by two dollar and in about a thousand years you would be talking about some real money!

If you would like to be a founding member of my "Not One Dollar More Foundation Against American Corruption In Congress" (NODMFAACIC), send $10 dollars along with a self addressed stamped envelope to:

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President NODMFAACIC
PO Box 13
Cedar Grove, TN 38321

The money will be used to buy several tracts of land which have recently come on the market here and any profits will be used to buy advertising for NODMFAACIC backed candidates in the up coming election. Rest assured your contribution is tax deductible and I will send you an autographed thank you receipt. If this solicitation is met with wild success I will build a large home to house the NODMFAACIC offices,
hire several pretty and young female assistants to tend to the official NODMFAACIC
business and keep the place clean and somebody has to do the laundry and the cooking.

Remember, freedom ain't free! Will you be able to look your grandchildren in the eye and say what you did with that $10 dollars you did not spend to join NODMFAACIC? This may be the most important thing you ever do?

You can send cash if you hide it in a thick piece of paper, minimum 24lb paper.

My readers may be shocked to learn this thread is viewed all over the world. You foreigners can also join as American citizenship is not required to be US President or a member of NODMFAACIC. Europeans will be charged 10 Euros, sorry, can't be sure about an exchange rate, I do not trust Germany or France to do the right thing... We, here at the NODMFAACIC, do not discriminate against money. Feel free to send what you wish. Of course gold and silver are preferable.

Oh, almost forgot, the self-addressed stamped envelope is for me to send you a limited edition signed NODMFAACIC US dollar from me, Jackson Delano Maybolt, suitable for framing. Hurry only the first 1 million contributors can take advantage of this offer.

Similar offerings have been known to trade on Ebay for hundreds of dollars. Would you pay 10 dollars to fix this country? I know I would.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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