Thursday, December 29, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Reverses No Newt Criticisms

I believe I have been unfairly harsh in my treatment and criticism of Newt Gingrich.
I just got onto his website, "" and read his new contract.
Briefly: repeal Obama Care, secure the borders, cut capital gains tax to zero, optional income tax of 15% with personal exemptions and mortgage deduction, trim the federal government, English as the official language, end the death tax, cut corporate tax rate to 12.5%, allow 100% expensing of business equipment in the 1st year, open up the energy development at home oil, gas and coal, try to hold federal judges accountable to the constitution, and most importantly sending the Obama Cartel on their merry way onto the ash heap of history.

I have not sent him money yet, but this should not keep you from doing so.

I forgive him for his income from his near lobbying efforts for Fred and Fannie, after all a fellow's got to eat!

I forgive him for his eye for the ladies, after all a fellow's got to manage his own prostate health.

I forgive him for his suspected insider Washington status, after all nobody breaks any glass throwing rocks at the federal government from outside the beltway. Newt knows his way around Washington. I like his no nonsense debating style. He is definitely a man, and Mitt and Bachmann are very feminine. Bachmann in a beautiful way. Newt must select her as VP and I believe he will. I believe Newt will derail the progressive train whereas Mitt would only slow it down a little.

I only hope Newt accomplishes half as much as our 4th greatest president if he is elected.

In Callista, I think he has found somebody to watch his back. Her hair style looks like blond cotton candy! Delicious.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center, President

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