Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Supports Planned Budget Deficit Buy Out Offer

Our researchers at UPLC have carefully combed through the newly crafted Debt Ceiling Bill before congress and found a tiny paragraph that I believe most US taxpayers will find of interest. It is hidden in the language on page 1475, paragraph three:

" taxpayers will be offered a one time buyout which will remove them from the tax rolls permanently through a
payment of $46,973 on or before 31, December 2011, made to the United States Treasury. This payment
represents each citizen's share of the 14.3 trillion dollar debt. The treasury will borrow funds to offset lost tax
revenue from the citizens expected to take the offer."

Write your congressman and senator's or call them to make sure this language stays in the final version of the bill. This is a great offer. No more taxes for the cost of a well equipped SUV!

Then I saw Geithner interviewed by Charlie Rose. I knew this was too good to be true.

When Rose asked about the one time buyout for taxpayers, Secretary of the Treasury Tim Geithner, said they expect to raise about 10 trillion dollars which will keep the country flush for about two years, by which time the new green economy would be up and running. "

" What we are not telling people is we plan to scrap the US Tax Code in favor of a European styled Value Added Tax and a National Sales tax. These should be in place and capture plenty of revenues for our needs before the 2012 election. The NST and the VAT would capture revenues that are lost when taxpayers cheat by participating in the underground cash economy.
We expect to collect 3.8 trillion dollars the first year alone from the private sector. The US public will have to understand that the federal government has a lifestyle to maintain. We have parks and buildings and employees and armies and navies and other essential stuff necessary to keep them safe and free to work hard for us. Do you know how much it costs to keep up Arlington National Cemetery? A lot! We spend over a million dollars a month just to keep its 624 acres mowed and looking neat. This is the third year Joe Biden's grandsons, age 13 and 11 got the bid on the mowing of Arlington National Cemetery. Of course they have a team of Mexicans on zero turn mowers doing most of the work, but it is looking good! Brayden and Braxton Biden are chips off the old block when it comes to feeding at the public trough. They have learned from one of the best."

My despair about the debt and out of control spending is fading. There is nothing an ordinary citizen can do but as mother put it, "when rape is inevitable, relax and make some noise so he finishes sooner." I plan to write my congressional delegation and tell them what a great job they have done. Perhaps they will let me know when it is over.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Having congress watch your money is like having your dog watch your food."
Mark Twain subbing for Mother Maybolt who took the week off to travel.

1 comment:

  1. Relevant? http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0002431
