Friday, July 1, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Weakly ICE Comments

Greece will have its skids greased by German Chancellor Adolf Merkel. The Germans have the most experience in bailing out bankrupt EU countries since taking on its bastard half step child, East Germany, when the former Soviet Union, fell into a financial heap, and unloaded all its former charges in Eastern Europe after playing chicken with Ronald Reagan. Seems the Socialist at the Kremlin had run out of other peoples money, not unlike those fun loving, barely working, bronze toned leisure lizards, who lounge clad only in speedos on their beautiful Mediterranean beaches ogling the topless tourists from Tunisia traipsing triumphantly towards Timbuktu.

All play and no work makes Jack Mayboltopompolottalou a happy boy! The Greeks enjoy one of the shortest work weeks in the world, 33 hrs. Even our man-child president, Barack Hussein Obama, puts in 34 hrs of work a week if you include his 6 hr golf games.

Mark Halpern, formerly of CNN/Time, blurted out an honest assessment of our Incompetence in Chief, Barack Obama, on Morning Joe yesterday, when he referenced Obama as the thing displayed in Anthony Weiner's undershorts made famous by Twitter.
Apparently, Mr. Obama's handlers, no pun here, want to see if the President, who was a Dick in his press conference on live TV, can match Weiner for Weiner on Twitter where he will conduct a townhall meeting. Jay Carney has assured us President Obama will be fully clad for the Tweeting, surrounded by his handlers. Not a fluff girl in the chorus, I might add.

Michelle Bachmann, threw her bonnet into the ring to challenge Mr. Obama for his position. I use position instead of job, because the term "job" implies work, and if work is measured by results, then Obama has only held the position, he is President in name only, PINO, or President in Position Only, or PIPO, if you please or PIP for short.

PIP, that has a nice, small, and inconsequential ring to it when referencing our beloved 44th president.

Tim Geithner, Secretary of the Empty Treasury, is getting fatigued managing all those imaginary dollars as they fly off the Fed's printing presses and out the door.
He says he is dizzied by the blur of green streaming out of his department. That the 80 teaparty congressional neophytes have held out for raising the August 2, 2011 debt ceiling for so long is remarkable. The pressure these freshman congressmen and women feel must be greater than that experienced by the cotton fibers in Weiner's undershorts in the magnificently tumescent twittered photo of Huma's estranged husband's reproduction apparatus or "package" if you please.

Personally I am shocked anyone would want to reproduce that queer little man, ever! God has to have a sense of humor. Anthony Weiner, hoisted on his own petard, placed here by God as good entertainment to the many who are not queer little men. We only chuckle along with God. We do not mock his creation, only its flaws.

Show of hands, who among us has not wanted to twit our packages to hundreds of horny coeds when our minds were muddled by a testosterone storm pressured by gonads charged with millions and millions of able bodied semen, throbbing and pulsating, screaming and rioting, pushing and shoving in protest for early release? But most of us left all that behind after successfully making our way out of puberty. Estrogen and Testosterone can make fools of us all. Let us face it, without it men and women would kill each other and the human race would be extinct. Viva la hormones!

Buck Turgidson is Anthony Weiners screen name, chosen from the Dr. Strangelove character played in the movie by Geo. C. Scott. If you have never seen this 1963 classic Stan Kubrick movie, netflix it and spend an hour and 45 minutes and laugh. The late great Peter Sellers has three parts in the movie, Mandrake, President Merkin, and Dr. Strangelove.

This past week or two in politics has been strange-love. Better get it while you still can. I am...

Dr. Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Boys will be boys, and boys would be girls without testosterone. Personally, I like the two party system better." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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