Monday, July 4, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Detects First Signs of Dementia, President Clinton

Former President, William Jefferson Clinton, the United States most senior, living, former democrat President not named Carter, is showing his age and the great think tank living high above his shoulders is looking more and more like an over sized hat stand. In his speech to the Aspen Ideas Festival he suggested our corporate tax rate is not competitive at 35%.

"We tax (corporate income) at 35% of income, although we only take about 23%. So, we should cut the rate to 25%, or whatever is competitive, and eliminate a lot of the deductions so that we still get a FAIR amount, so there is not much variance in what the corporations pay. But how can they do that by August 2?"

What, Mr. President? How can they do that by August 2? I suggest to you another question that may be more appropriate given your statement. Why would they do that? Jack Maybolt may not be a Yale trained lawyer with a predilection for peccadillo's or a former president of the United States, but you, Bill Clinton, who are all three of the above, just suggested artificially lowering the corporate income tax rate while keeping revenues the same by eliminating the deductions the corporations depend on to keep their economic engines purring. Have you just invented the Tax Cut in Name Only?

Final Jeopardy answer: Bill Clinton Corporate Tax Plan

Your question: "When is a tax cut not a tax cut?"

Moderator: "Correct!"

Furthermore, Mr. Clinton, there are still some corporate executives who are your intellectual equal, and with your recent mental decline, normal with aging populations in our western world, perhaps your superior, but only because they are younger and have to compete globally for profits with one hand tied behind their backs by the regulations your colleagues in Washington DC have hoisted upon them over the years, and they know you want to lower their taxes without giving them a tax break.

I humbly suggest you run your tax cutting ideas by Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, to see if it passes the smell test. As you pointed out to the Aspen Ideas Festival crowd, the republicans follow his advice and this has kept them out of trouble all these years.

Mr. Clinton and Grover Norquist, I would like to point out to you the Urban Poverty Law Centers suggestions for balancing the federal budget and some tax break suggestions on this site dated, December 2, 2010. Take a look it is free.

Your Humble Citizen, Jackson Delano Maybolt, President UPLC

"You know you belong at the Aspen Ideas Festival if you are listening to Bill Clinton drone on about imaginary tax cuts for Corporations and think it is a wonderful plan!" Mother Maybolt, 1926-2008

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