Thursday, July 7, 2011

Urban Poverty Weakly Law Centers ICE Comments

Well, I guess I should mention the Casey Anthony trial verdict this week in my Weakly Interesting Current Events, but I will not. You must go to the big media for your daily ration of bread and circuses. From what I've heard against my will the press is Casey Anthony 24/7, 9 to 5, wall to wall, sunup to sundown, rain or shine, black or white, rich or poorer, in sickness and in health, til the next sensational death drama plays out, hopefully to contain a midget clown this time to make it more interesting. You can read my post dated 1/08/11 on the death of my father for a good story with midgets.

Alasdair Thompson, CEO of the New Zealand Employers and Manufacturers Association blurted out in a radio interview that the women of New Zealand earned about 12% less than their male counterparts, because a woman's parts are down for up to one week in four and with the bleeding and change in personality he and his fellows at the NZEMA blame PMS for lost productivity and for the pay inequity. The female interviewer, who ironically, was herself menstruating during the interview struck Alasdair in the neb with her purse heavily laden with tampons causing it to bleed like a very harsh period.

Alasdair Thompson has learned you never follow the old news adage, "if it bleeds, it leads to pay inequities" when on the radio discussing pay differences between men and women in New Zealand.

Alasdair Thompson is expected to make a full recovery, his neb I mean. I am afraid his comment shackles him the proud owner of the scarlet letter "M". Now he will carry the curse with him along with its bloody consequences for the rest of his life. Pity, sometimes the best thing to do or say is nothing.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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