Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center A Modest Proposal For Greece

The Greek bail-out to keep the tiny nation state afloat in the Mediterranean Sea is a meager 80 to 100 billion euros. If the International Monetary Fund and the European Union are balking at shoveling good fiat money after bad, I believe I have come up with a plan that will be to every one's liking.

Recall, Hillary Roddam Clinton, while a Junior Rose Law Firm partner and wife of then Attorney General, William Jefferson Clinton of Arkansas, turned a $1,000 investment in cattle futures into $100,000 in less than a year! Why she gave up investing in the futures market to become first lady, senator from New York, and now Secretary of State speaks well for her unselfish nature and makes her a public servant of the noblest tradition, one who only serves so others might enjoy a better life delivered by Madam Secretary's Herculean labor with her great diplomatic skills garnered through a lifetime of smoothing things over for her husband in his many sloppy dilly-dalliances with the fairer sex. Mother Teresa has nothing on Saint Hillary, Secretary of State! We, the American people, are blessed, truly, we are.

Many countries are lead by selfish, self-serving, flim-flam artist who are only out to enrich themselves. We in the United States have been blessed to have had very few of this character type in government. The Clintons are prime examples of US citizens who were willing to forgo the riches in order to serve the will of the people. I am biting my lip and holding back tears that might flood New Orleans again should I release them into the Mississippi River watershed thinking of what these two fine citizens have done to us. Tears of Joy fill my unworthy eyes!

God bless them, the noble citizen politician, always looking out for the little guy, first popularized in early Greek society, how ironic. Never tempted by bribes or money. Never tempted to look the other way while others made off with the national treasure. Patriots first, last, and always!

My modest proposal is to let Secretary of State, Madam Hillary Clinton, take a billion euros and invest it in what ever she sees fit and take her profits to pay off the Greek debt.

I believe you will all agree that my Grecian Formula is not just for men, but would be great for the entire world!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Without politicians, prisons would really be overcrowded." Mother Maybolt, 1929-2008

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