Saturday, July 23, 2011

Brroke Hussein Obama's Bad Budget Boehner Talks Stalled

Brroke Hussein Obama, m m m.

Never have so few refused to give so much to so many for so little. Did Sir Winston Churchill say something like that during WWII? Well it is our blood and sweat, and President Obama's tears, crocodile tears, crying to the public in every presser that the republicans who represent taxpaying Americans are in no mood to throw more money down an ever expanding rat hole, no pun intended.

Boehner walks out on Brroke Hussein Oboro and accuses the president of not being serious about budget cuts. Really! If the spending bills all originate in the House of Representatives, then I believe the gang of 70 tea party republicans hold all the cards. The show can not go on without them. Sun Tze, in "The Art of War" said it best, "sometime best thing to do is to do nothing."

Boehner and his republicans have called Brroke Insane Oboro's bluff, you know the one over looking America's sea of financial ruin, and rather than enable the wholesale destruction of America will instead wait him out. He holds no cards. We tried it his way the first two years with his cheering chorus of delusional Democrats who controlled both houses of congress as they ran unchecked over the average American taxpayer, who cried, no screamed "Uncle Sam, back away from my purse and freedom!"

The Magnificent Seventy, like the cowboy film of the early sixties, with Yule Brenner, Steve McQueen and other big shots, are rounding up the bad guys and going to take back the country from the socialist, wealth redistributionist muckrakers who sailed in to positions of power disguised as ordinary US citizens, lead by a talented vocalist/reader of fine speeches, Baritone Hussein Obama.

Americans, be hopeful. The Calvary is here. We will weather this and need to accept cuts of no less than to the pre 2008 levels of expenditure which were good enough for George Bush and a Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid controlled house and senate.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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