Saturday, July 16, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Pulls Curtain Back on Budget Talks

Hey, taxpayers, ever wonder what the fuss is all about in DC? Our best and brightest sociopaths who have managed to gain control of the purse strings of our colossal union of states, have been boiling this frog (read taxpayers) in tiny increments until now when they have to turn up the heat or risk losing it all.

The spending on TARP was touted as a one time only stop gap measure to save the US and World's economy, but now it has quietly been slipped into perpetuity in the budgets congress has been unwilling to publish or back for the past 2 years! Hence, the 1.5 trillion dollar deficits from here to dooms day, which according to the Mayan Calender is a week from next Tuesday, making all the fuss a mootity, to coin a term as in moot point. We are all going to DIE! I just pray my "Sports Illustrated, Swimsuits Edition" arrives in the mail today which should afford ample time to enjoy the articles before what ever Biblical calamity claims all of humanity and we are all sucked into that black hole in space and time.

Back to the current calamity in Politicalville, USA: posturing for the audience, it is all great theatre!

Obama scolding Eric Cantor, "do not call my bluff!"

Cantor shoots back from the hip, "your threat not to call your bluff is merely a bluff!"

I do not think they know how Webster's dictionary defines a bluff, a cliff or a deception?

One thing is for sure, we are on the bluff over looking the seas of financial ruin lead by a pack of egotistical former high school class officers whose plan is to game the American taxpayer into backing their burgeoning nonsensical spending habits.

Drama, high drama on the national stage: the democrats poised to raise taxes on those who still work and earn a living, the republicans holding the tax door shut with a firm foot on the floor as the hero to the greedy rich. The debt ceiling baby being tossed back and forth like a rag doll with its mother, Timmy Geithner, screaming in the background for relief! Money flying off the Federal Reserve Banks Printing Press faster than Madonna's panties drop at an NBA players reunion party. It is all great comic relief.

The debt ceiling will be raised to cover that stench coming from Washington, DC. I will not include any more Madonna similes here as she is in her fifties and without the steady flow of estrogen bathing those areas constantly, they tend to become stale and rank, but I said I would not take you there and believe you me, I won't. Do not think about that last sentence.

John Boehner with Eric Cantor will march out next week in front of the cameras and say they made the best deal they could given the circumstances, and the word compromise will be tossed around by both sides like a beach ball at a Rolling Stones Concert. Both sides will pretend to be unhappy with what just unfolded.

Meanwhile, the frog, feeling the heat, will leap from the pot and the Tea Party will fire many of these crooks, I meant cooks, in 2012. I invite your to review my informative post dated Feb 24, 2011 for a look at the federal budget and its waste products for the year 2010.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Washington is filled with Commie Bastards!" Mother Maybolt 1927-2008

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