Saturday, July 9, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Connects Grizzly Killing In Yellowstone Park to Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin's inflammatory rhetoric has claimed another victim. Not since Palin placed gun sight targets on members of congress in her vicious Tea Party sponsored attacks against incumbents of congress during the 2008 election cycle has such a horrible event occurred. You will recall that the gun targets provoked a schizophrenic in Tucson, Arizona to gun down Congresswoman Giffords and 12 others at a meet and greet event at a Safeway store.

According to a spokesperson for George Soros's "Open Society", Ms. Malignant Melanoma Malenthrope, "the recent cluster of vicious grizzly bear attacks against humans can be directly traced back to Sarah Palin. Recall it was Ms. Palin who evoked the term "mamma grizzly" when being braggadocios about her and other tea party female members strong commitments to their conservative principles and the protection of their young conservative children."

Now, somehow word has leaked to the real mamma grizzly bears and they have been attacking and killing liberals whose only offence was to enter the mamma grizzly bears domain and threaten to raise taxes on the bears. The latest victim was a 57 yr old retired democrat who was mauled to death in Yellowstone Park. Palin must be held accountable. Words have meaning.

It seems the bears know that liberals do not feed the bears in the national parks like Yellowstone, but conservatives feed the bears if they have enough spare monies to take such a family trip. With the Obama administrations threat to raise taxes on the working and producing Americans, the bears know their share of the American Dream will be sharply curtailed. Thus, the irritability of the mamma grizzly is understandable.

Let me be the first to lay blame where blame should be, at the feet of Sarah Palin.
The Urban Poverty Law Center does not and will never condone violence from humans or animals against humans or animals. I believe we must do what ever it takes to get along. I am asking that Ms. Palin tone down her violent rhetoric today. How many more innocents must be slaughtered?

I believe President Obama must send an envoy to have talks with the mamma grizzlies to see if we can iron out our differences. He could use this unfortunate event to establish a Czar of Wildlife Relations, answerable only to him who could work tirelessly to bring peace to our national parks. In the meantime, Sarah Palin must put a sock in it!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Boys will be boys, and bears will be bears, but the wolf should be exterminated."
Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008

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