Thursday, July 28, 2011

Could Dennis Miller have Called the President BroncObama On O'Reilly Last Night?

I was half asleep listening to Bill O'Reilly's only draw for me, "Miller Time", when I swear I heard Mr. Miller refer to the president as BroncObama. That imagery for our slender Marxist Crusader is a no go for me. I think Mr. Obama is nothing like the western hero conjured in that name Dennis accidentally gave him.

A cowboy is brave, cunning, honest, forthright, a hard worker, won't back away from a fight, takes good care of his horse, carries a gun, is kind to women and children, never ever borrows money he does not intend to repay. A cowboy is humble and believes in God. A cowboy believes in working for what you have. A cowboy believes in low taxes and freedom. A cowboy never smokes marijuana or snorts cocaine.

Excuse me, Mr. Miller, I know cowboys, Ronald Reagan was a cowboy, but your President Barack Hussein Obama is no cowboy!

I can finish my sleep now that I have gotten that off my chest.

I am, Jackson Delano Maybolt, President The Urban Poverty Law Center(where law and poverty know their places and where we make the difference one poor soul at a time!)

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