Monday, September 19, 2011 Cites Urban Poverty Law Center Reportage

Somebody reported this site to the watch troll group recently established by the "Commie Tea To Re-Elect Precedent Obama! has sent me the following:

19 September, 2011

Jackson Delano Mayblot (sic)
President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Basement Office, West Wing Secret Bunker
White House, Washington DC
Thurgudt Bundergarten, Esq, III

Mr. Mayblot: has received a complaint about a blog you pen as it relates to our interpretation of claims you make against
our first black president, Barack Hussein Obama. I was given the unenviable task of pouring over your 100 plus blogs, many of them unreadable and obviously the work of an illiterate with too much spare time and a computer.

We take umbrage with your column dated September 17, 2011 in which you suggest " is he a coke blowing homosexual with a membership in a secret gay bathhouse in Chicago along with its current mayor?" There is not a gram of fact to your innuendo.
We demand you remove any gay references to our president immediately or you will be singled out for an audit. The source of your white lie was a Republican trickster code named Deep Choke who was hired by Sarah Palin to smear Barack Obama and send the white, bible toter-gun clinger votes over to McCain. It almost worked, but for our Acorn affiliates in the big cities.

Further, our president, Barack Hussein Obama only experimented with cocaine because of the Reagan Administration's policy when the CIA targeted young blacks in the famous attempt to destroy the black family and create a dependent class of blacks too addled to ever make it to the ballot box again. And FYI the President hasn't enjoyed any blow since Bill Clinton's last visit to the White House. I strongly suggest you edit your material to jive with the facts. Who is to say the DEA might just pay your place a visit and find a kilo of methamphetamine? Capisco?

In your September 14, 2011 rant you accuse our beloved President of leading an " administration that believes printing money and handing it out to its cronies in big business and the unions is good policy." and "never met a tax it did not love." Fact:
we printed the money necessary to avoid a depression and this administration is a net tax cutter not a tax hiker! We suggest you get your facts right in the future, or the ATF and E will find seven kilo's of C-4 under your desk in the basement where your computer is located. Catch my drift?

Who is funding you? The Koch brothers? Karl Rove? George W. Bush? Our investigative team will be looking into your life, Mr. Mayblot! We already know about your sexual debauchery. We know you like big butts and like to make love with the lights on, even during daylight hours! We have found your out of wed lock love child who was conceived with a first cousin in the back seat of a 1967 AMC Ambassador as you and your family were traveling to visit your sick grandmother in Nashville.

In sum, Jack, if I can call you that? You are on our radar screens and we will call you on anymore falsehoods as it relates to our president. I see you are from Cedar Grove, Tennessee. I can almost hear the banjo music. Tell me Jack, do you wear your KKK hood while blogging and the cape with or without underwear? I bet it is without. I bet it is hard to type with one hand, eh?

I wonder what a black light examination of your computer room would look like? The Milky Way on a moonless night I suspect!
I have dealt with hundreds of your type, Jack Mayblot. You are disgusting!



Thurgudt Bundergarten, Esq, III

My reply:

19 September, 2011

Jackson Delano Maybolt, MD, PhD
President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, TN

Thrugudt Bundergarten, Esq, III
West Wing Secret Bunker Basement Office
The White House
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Bundergaylicker:

I am not your charge. I dance to no mans music, save my own. I will not be cowed by your threats. The truth can not be silenced. Your facts are all wrong about my cousin, she was a second cousin. Hah!

However, this having been said, my blog is for sale and the first $1.6 million dollars cash takes it, warts and all.

Get back to me, there is a little wiggle room in that price.

Jackson Delano Maybolt

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