Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama Presidency Over: Fat Lady Has Sung, Train Has Left Him, Urban Poverty Law Center

The half of the country which was politically asleep in 2008, composed of people who were too busy working, raising the next generation of producers, and volunteering on weekends to pay any attention to politics has awakened to the huge political nightmare Barack Hussein Obama's election has wrought. Even Jon Stewart, the funny little midge at comity central, has focused his nearly empty cranial vault at Obama's deeds and not his words and finds him coming up short. Maybe Jon likes keeping some of the money he makes over there at Comittee Central, and after $4 trillion dollars of "stimulus spending", is beginning to see it Reagan's Way!

When the recession was new, the $877 billion dollar stimulus should have been used to give a 50% tax reduction to the producers in this country and the recession would have been averted. Lets face the facts. People spend money, governments waste it.

Jackson Delano Maybolt's jump start the failing Obama Economy Plan: No more government stimulus spending. Immediate tax holiday for the last quarter of this year. All earnings from September 15 through the end of this year are tax free, but the caveat is that it must be spent before April 15, 2012 on anything the consumer wishes. Businesses also have a tax holiday and may buy capital equipment which can be written off at 100% against future earnings.

During this time of tax freedom, Government must take a sabbatical. All regulators must travel to Greece where they can lie on the beaches and help pull the Greeks out of their funk. Government workers will be allowed to live free for the months of tax freedom while they do not get a paycheck above that of the typical social security recipient. Their debts would not accrue any more interest and only postponed until they are back in the workforce again at full wages.

Fire up the printing presses to keep the monies flowing to fund the entitlements.

Stand back, money in the hands of the producers will produce more money.

President Obama, follow my simple plan now and history will be kinder to you and your children will not have to change their names. Continue on your path towards destruction of the American Business Model, and you will have succeeded in bringing down the last best place in the world to live and feel what it is like to co-exist with leaders who have the peoples best interest at heart.

There is no reason to bring the failed policies of European Socialism to our shores, anybody who prefers that business model can migrate after filling out the appropriate forms and move over there. Once we have lost our model, we will be unable to compete with the little yellow men who have a government that subsidizes growth and steals technology and uses it to its advantage.

Contrast the little yellow man's plan with your own administrations plans which stifle growth and discourage innovation. An administration that refuses to acknowledge the importance of cheap and available energy as a fundamental requirement for growth and prosperity. An administration that believes printing money and pumping it to its cronies in big business and the unions is a good thing. An administration that never saw a tax it didn't love. Meanwhile the little yellow man is busy going all over the world and securing contracts for energy sources and tying up rare earth minerals essential to the manufacturing of all the technology they are stealing. And all you can do is feed the homeless at the soup kitchen? Really, Barack, really?

I cannot say it any plainer. Listen, dumb ass, America is your family! Like every family, we have people with different skill levels from the brilliant to the plain, from the industrious to the lazy, from the rich to the poor, and it has worked well without your meddlesome social engineering for over 200 years. We are a nation of laws. We only need a stable tax system to allow our businesses to thrive. Right now your administration is perceived as against success in America. Every move is designed to set roadblocks where none existed before. Your EPA is out of control, forcing closure of 500 coal fired plants. Before you do something so drastic get yourself a little yellow man and run it by him first. If he thinks it is a good idea, do it. If he quibbles, squash it!

This is all moot as of 2010. Your time has come and passed, Mr. Obama, if that is your real name? The choice is yours.
Lead the country out of the funk or follow your plan and walk the path to socialism alone and into the sunset where history will not be kind to your memory. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Kim, Pol Pot, and Obama. Mother Maybolt says you know the person by the company they keep. There is still time for you to move to America, it is clear that Americans will not move towards you. Nice try. We are all awake now and you know what the Japanese felt after Pearl Harbor; the full force of the sleeping giant will be directed at you and see to it you do not win this war your administration has against America.

America with all its flaws is still a far better place than any other in the world. You are killing the patient when all you intended was to remove a few warts. Warts that most Americans can live with.

You know what Weiner's loss in Brooklyn means to you and the Socialist Democratic Party, don't you?

As Vice President Joe Biden would say, one word: Game Over!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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