Jimmy Hoffa, Junior looks like the Pillsbury Dough-Boy, but acts like Albert Gore, Junior after being rebuffed by a middle aged masseuse who refused to release his middle chakra in his hotel room in Seatle, Washington last year. Seems Jimmy, like many others who benefit from the great greasy govermental teat, suffers from, Post-Traumatic Tea Party Detractor's Syndrome or PTTPDS for short.
"We've got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: it is the tea party, that bunch of overpaid, under taxed middle class Americans that are trying their damnest to keep da Union Worker down. Boots on our necks. It was da Tea Party and Bill Clinton who sent our jobs to Mexico, and China, and da Tea Party that wants to lower taxes and shrink da size of da federal government. What is a Union Goon to do? What do they think, Union Goons live free?"
I asked Jimmy, Junior to break down the Union Worker's attitude toward the tax paying American and he said the following:
"Jack Maybolt, here is da way it is. Da Union is on top of da heap. Den you gots your government employees, followed by da politicians, and den da school teachers, da fire and police, da airport groppers, den yous got da non-union apes, and lastly holding all this up is da regular old Tea Party Pukes."
"Jacky, we gots a good thing going and we ain't about to give it up to a bunch of white-a--ed punks in no f--king Tea Party." We control da counting of votes. Capasci amigo?"
"Jacky, when Obama re-organized General Motors, who got to keep theirs, da Tea Party members who held da bonds, or da Union goons? Goons win, goons win!"
"Jacky, if a Union goon wants to kick some Lily white Tea Partiers a--, tell me who gonna stop him? Police?....in da union, army?... in da union. Da judge...controlled by da unions? Nobody will stop a Union Goon from kicking some a-- if it needs kicking!"
"Jacky, we gonna take these son of bitches out and give back America to da America where it should be a place every union worker can earn a living. You see, we are da union, see us roar. We are da tail wagging da dog! We are da wet in water, da pow in power, we are da pee in people, and da us in USA. We are the judge. We are the jury, and we are the executioners!"
"Jacky, don mess wid da Union!"
I am taking his good advice, but I will no longer look for the union label, but the union libel. It is all gonna be downhill from here.
Other known and admitted sufferers of PTTPDS include:
Andre Carson, congressman from Indiana who told a group of black congressmen and women in Florida over the weekend that the members of congress who support the tea party "would love to see you and me hanging from a tree."
I suspect if we give Congressman Andre Carson enough cord with his public microphone he will hang himself. I think I can hear his stridorous screeching from my basement bedroom on C-Span now.
I estimate there are between 80 to 100 million tea party members who will take to the polls in 2012 and the face of government will be lifted out of the corrupt cesspool that has become Washington, DC.
I believe our Union brothers and sisters must make other plans as the government trough that fed them all these years is running out of slop. After 2014 and with Obama Care, our nation will be both broke and dissolute.
These are interesting times in which we find ourselves.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Great money and great power draws thugs like bojo flies to a rotting corpse." Mother Maybolt, 1929-2008
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