Friday, September 9, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Analysis of American Unemployment

At the Urban Poverty Law Center, we stay awake so you do not have to. Unemployment in the United States is running at about 9.1 to 16% depending upon whose numbers you wish to cite.

The American unemployed, or as I like to call them, the Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve, is a rough approximation of deficit government spending compared with the nation's gross domestic product.

President Obama's insistence on spending 1.4 trillion dollars in deficit is about 10% of our GDP. When George Bush was in office, he had 4.8% unemployment and 0.5 trillion dollar deficits with a 12 trillion GDP.

Could the Maybolt Law of Governmental Deficit Spending accurately predict our Workforce Temporarily Held in Reserve? It is an interesting postulate.

As the brightest resident of Cedar Grove, Tennessee, a man who holds both a PhD and MD and was the Punt, Pass and Kick contest winner at the University of Tennessee in 1972, and had a dog named Bob, I believe deficit spending by government is directly related to unemployment numbers through the gross domestic product.

Our Government produces nothing. It leases oil sites, airway bandwidth, trees from national forests, acts as a guard dog and watch dog, enforces the laws as it sees necessary often without a blind eye and with prejudice. It currys favors for important big shots of industry. It cows its people. It has become to big to succeed.

Our government has outgrown its nation. I have not left my government, my government has left me.

We regretfully no longer have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. It is government of the government, by the government and for the government. The people are just there to fund the behemoth. And if the people question the great wisdom of our vaulted leadership a la tea party, they are invited to go to hell, ridiculed as tea baggers, and threatened to be taken out like so many son of bitches.

Really America, really, is this the best we can do? The time has come to unshackle our people from the chains of big government. Declare your liberty, declare your right to be a citizen under the bill of rights. Time for revolution. Not a bloody revolution because our founders setup the process where citizens could make the revolutionary changes needed in our leadership one vote at a time.

The squealing you hear from Washington, DC is from the pigs who have become accustom to being more equal than other pigs and see their time at the federally funded feed trough ending soon. That great gasp you hear from their crony cheerleaders in the mega media is that same realization that the jig is up. Keep squealing, Jimmy Hoffa,jr, Congresswoman Waters, Congresswoman Pelosi, Congressman Andre Carson, Jon Stewart, Rosie Garofaloaf O'Donnel, Albert Gore, jr, and the myriad of others who are the bellweathers of freedom's march back for the people. The louder they get, the closer we the people are to the goal posts.

Game on! Pump up the volume!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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