Sunday, September 4, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center To Publicize DSK Rape Of The Underclass

I have been contacted by the New York City Chambermaid who was molested by one time titular head of the International Monetary Fund, chairman, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

Strauss-Kahn with his wife at his side sailed into Charles de Gaulle Airport yesterday am, after an eight and a half hour flight from New York. In a brief statement to a fawning French Socialist press, Mr. Strauss-Kahn, admitted to joining the mile high club no less than three times with five of the seven flight attendants and the flight officer of the Air France Flight, while his wife, Anne Sinclair slept.

"My time incarcerated in the New York City penile system has left me with some pent up desires. Does anyone know what I have been through? Please no further questions. I am very chaffed and will need some time alone with my wife, Anne Sinclair. We will be making a public statement soon. It is too soon to consider a run for the French Presidency. I will leave all my options on the table for now. Let me close in saying it is good to be back on French soil, where the staff in the finest hotels understand the unique relationship the very powerful hold over commoners."

The chambermaid, Ms. Naifissatou Diallo, has had her reputation sullied by powerful international interests when she took a chance and reported the non consensual sexual encounter with DSK, "Deranged Sexual Kook!" as she refers to him, in his $3000a night suite in the posh New York City Hotel.

Ms. Diallo has contacted the Urban Poverty Law Center to present her case against DSK and allow the court of world opinion to be the judge of what happened that day in the suite, when DSK charged her in a turgid and lurid attack on her person, tearing her underclothing and staining her dress with his precious bodily fluid.

"Masseur Mayboo, it was over so fast, I thought he was kidding, play acting, and den de offensive odor of an unwelcome emission hit me like a brick to de head. I realized I had been violated as a woman and a human being."

"I did not know who dis tiny wart of a man was when de attack took place. Only when I informed my supervisor did we learn of his status. I thought in America things would be different. De powerful exploit de powerless be it America or Marrakesh it is how it will be. De liberal elites give lip service to freedom and equality under de law, but it is not worth de paper it is written on if de judge is corrupt."

"All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others."

I have written to Ms. Diallo and will back her and allow her to use this forum to get her story out there. Justice must be served. For privileged pukes like Dominique Strauss-Kahn to be set free on the underclass is unacceptable. Who made him the judge, the jury, and the executioner?

Does the international court in Brussels issue "double OH 69 licenses" to powerful bureaucrats as a license to rape the underclasses?

What is your name 0069?

Kahn, Dominique Kahn!

Jackson D. Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Sadly, the difference between making love and rape is often only a few dollars and honoring a business deal." Mother Maybolt, 1929-2008

"I knew I was taking a great risk when I first made de charges against a man of such great importance. I just hope it saves someone else from his vicious and lewd advances." Naifissatou Diallo, chambermaid

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