Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Additions Of Newly Printed Money To Economy Wrong Approach, President Obama

Republican candidates for president debate Nero Obama as the United States economy burns while Obama plays "The Devil Went Down To Georgia" on Charlie Daniel's golden fiddle.

Precedency ([sic] held) of Barack Hussein Obama seems to be his "my way or the highway" latest offering to congress through his jobs plan, which he wrote himself with help from his pals at the Open Society and Vanderwahlbert Edsel K. Jones, now Green Jobs Commissar, formerly Communist Green Jobs Czar for the White House for a day. It is porkulus lite, but packs twice the punch of porkulus one and deux, which only spent 4.5 million dollars for every job saved or created, this plan promises only 2.25 million dollars for each job!

I am a cynic and believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle of 3.5 to 3.75 mil per job saved or created. Nothing has changed since the first two porkuli bills, unless you consider gold has risen from $1,143 and ounce to $1,856 an ounce and gasoline and diesel fuel have risen from $1.80 to $3.80 per gallon, and real American Wages have risen 0.26%, unless you work for the feds and you have seen your wages keep up. Thank you, Mr Precedent!

How does the Precedent intend to pay for his jobs machine? More of the same old failed policy plays from his rules for idiot radicals, taxes on the producers of wealth in a bold move to redistribute wealth from hot spots to cold spots. Taxing the wealthy is like taking a burning log off the boiler that is producing steam to run the engine which pulls the US economy forward, and letting it burn far removed from the boiler.

Sure the log burns, and energy is released, but not close enough to a boiler to cause any increase in the economy.

People who make money and create jobs in our economy have a proven boiler and economic engine. Their money buys the logs to heat the boiler and keep their part of the economic engine steaming down the road to success. Enter the Obamabots who take money by tax increases from successful businesses,there by robing them of their fuel, and pick winners like Solyndra Solar, which did not have a good economic engine with its boiler leaking like a sieve, bye-bye productivity, hello stagnation.

The Obamabots do not realize that all of America's engines of success depend upon the others. Bob's rental's depends upon Ralph having enough operating capital to lease equipment to get his contractor's work done as he has all these years, but when his taxes are raised even a little bit, pow Ralph lays off a worker, rents less from Bob and Bob buys less from John Deere or Caterpillar and this causes these giants to cut back on steel purchases from NuCor, which is a fine American Corporation. Buy Nucor under $37 a share and sell at $45, over and over again.

Nucor (NUE)NYSE is a good bell weather stock on how the economy is running. At Under $32 a share it is a Urban Poverty Law Center strong buy and hold. If Obama and his henchmen who run the greatest economy killing apparatus in modern history are turned out and a real supply side President and Congress are let in in 2012, there will be dancing in the streets. Stand back and watch Americans get back to the business of making money. Obamacare must also be turned back.

Jack Maybolt clairvoyant moment: November, 2012: Obama is defeated and the senate and congress is tipped into Tea Party territory by a huge margin. Wednesday Dow closes early because limits on upward gains are passed in first minutes of trading and this time of economic exuberance continues til the Christmas doldrums.

All businesses want is certainty. What are my fixed liabilities, and what is my profit. Obama's waffling on tax rates gives businesses who may pass 10 million dollars across the books each year, and show only a 5% profit a case of nerves.
Governments print money, businesses make it.

Governments take money away that the businesses make.

How much of each dollar I earn in America should I be able to keep?

The politicians must make this a fixed amount before the demons of finance and business can be unleashed. Uncertainty about regulations, tax rates, health care brought about by the neophyte who occupies the Oval Office gives all businesses pause. The US economic clutch is depressed, business cannot function with uncertainty.

Pop the clutch President Obama, lower taxes on everybody and watch the economy speed off down Recovery Road!

You know, the clutch, that peddle under the dash on the far left, where you and your friends live? Stepping on the accelerator with the clutch depressed adds no momentum, which is what spending money like porkuli 1,2, and now 3 is doing.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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