Sunday, September 11, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Looks Toward The Sun, SOLYNDRA: Canary In The Mine Moment

No one should be shocked to learn of another green energy failure, especially as it relates to harnessing the power of the Mayan Sun God, Dennis Kinich Ahau, pronounced with a silent "u" at the end. A quick check on Wikipedia advises he is designated as "God G". His depictions in art and sculpture show him as "a middle aged man with an aqualine nose, large square eyes that are crossed with a filled incisor" where a tooth was dislodged from his mouth when he was accidentally struck by a wayward comet in the 2nd century AD. Story is that he didn't see it coming.

Furthermore He is known for His flashy smile, almost too brilliant to behold even on a cloudy day. He is said to possess a beautifully soothing baritone voice that makes Him a popular speaker on the lecture circuits, especially in the Northeastern US. He reads proficiently in difference to his crossed eyes.

His favors do not come cheaply. He requires the heart of a virgin to be cut out and offered to Him at each sunrise and sunset on the days of the calendar months that contain an "R". In months with no "R". Hearts from toddlers born to mothers of only children are sacrificed. The sex of the toddler is completely up to the high priest in charge of sacrifice.

No solar energy company will achieve profit until the requirements of God G are met. It is a physical impossibility.

President Obama knows this. Van Jones, his jolly green communistic community organizer studied ancient religious studies at the University of Tennessee at Martin under Dr. William Adolph Hitler-Stalin, not those Hitler-Stalins, but they could have been distant relatives. Commissar V. Jones seeks out companies who need government loans and arranges for these loans and gets a generous kick back for his hostile activities.

Solyndra Industries is a Commissar Vandelyn Cletus Jones creation. Vanderwahl Clive Jones lends a whole new meaning to green jobs. Watch the green money disappear into a hole never to be seen again. $535 million to Solnydra Solar panels where they learned it is not profitable to make and sell solar panels in today's market where the price of panels to run a small home requiring 1 and a half kilowatts of energy a day would cost about $50,000, a 47 year pay off at today's energy rates. Most people do not live in a home for 5 years much less, 47. Then you have to keep them clean and they do not last for ever. As long as it is a novelty product it will not make any money and makes no sense to pursue.

For now solar energy has gimmick written all over it. Burning wood is more efficient and cost effective. Solar panels will continue to be a feel good step the Matt Damons of the world can take to give back some of their unearned wealth so they can go to sleep at night believing the mountains of money they take out of the economy for acting did not take food off the table of some young toddler in the ghetto. Every good liberal knows that the economy is a finite pie. Your slice directly affects every other slice. Your economic foot print is related to the size of your slice. Hollywood garners large portions. Ghetto's not so large.

Add solar energy panels to owning a Prius and touting a highly progressive income tax structure to assuage the Wealthy Liberals of their guilt for their gluttony of the limited economic pie. Hey, 50 million babies have been aborted in this country so they did not have to go to bed hungry and cold, so you can make your millions acting in fantasy action hero films. But hey you pay your taxes and watch your carbon footprint. Yes, Matt, there is room in heaven for you, if the camel can pass through the eye of a needle you should get to the front of the line when the time comes.

God G, greed, government, gluttony, here comes the sun and it will shine the light on all the cockroaches good or bad.

Sleep well, Matt, Van, Solyndra Industries, President Obama. The Mayan god of the sun, Kinich Ahau has crossed eyes and cannot see you, but our God, the Awesome One, has no such handicaps. He truly knows your soul.

My grandfather was a fine fellow, a country doctor. He worked hard and lived a righteous life, spurning organized religion for jaunts in nature on his Sunday mornings off work. He preached to me as we fished during church services; "Life was too short not to do what was right!" Fishing feels right.

I wish our politicos would follow this simple tenet, instead of the hedonistic jingles they hear playing like elevator Muzak in their great big empty skulls.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, High Priest Imam for The Urban Poverty Law Center

Any Liberals may make a contribution to UPLC Contact my Secretary Susan Blunderdoss, she is in the phone book.

"Jack, somehow I just knew church and swim lessons were wasted on you." Mother Maybolt, 1926-2008

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