Thursday, September 22, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center 15 August, 2011 BlogsTrue: Soros Shorts Euro, Dollar Rallies

I refer the gentile reader to my prediction/read between the lines of an interview Gorged Soros (sic) gave Der Speigel last month dated 15 August, 2011.

I will be gone for the next 10 days undergoing a mandatory sensitivity training at the Betty Ford Center in Palm Springs, California.

My battle with the current Precedent and did not go well.

Anyway, my nephew, Jacob Maybolt has agreed to place a blog or two in my absence if he can pull himself away from the video games long enough to write something.

I know you will enjoy his insights as a recent high school graduate in this politically correct hell hole where we find ourselves trapped like bacteria on a petri dish at the Centers For Disease Control in Maryland, left unattended over a long Christmas break.

I will be back on October 4, 2011 God willing and the creeks don't rise.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Betty Ford will find Maybolts are just sensitive enough." Mother Maybolt 1923-2008

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