Saturday, September 17, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Reviews Joe McGinniss Book: The Rogue: The Search for the Real Sarah Palin

Joe, is that you? Say it ain't so Joe!

Joe McG. has written a book about Sarah Palin which includes references to each premarital sexual encounter and an alleged brief brush with cocaine and weed. Whoop, whoop! Is that all you got, Joe? No woman on woman love or donkey shows in Tijuana, what about wife swapping lines after book signings in "the village" in New York, where you met Nancy in 1970?

Is this the same Nancy D. who traveled to Vietnam in 1971 as a freelance photographer and spent a steamy 4 weeks with an army reporter named Albert Gore, Jr dodging his middle chakra only for the first two of their 28 nights together? Yuck!

And what about your encounters with the priest when you were an altar boy in 1954? As a 12 year old boy you are not to blame for those acts of sodomy, but you should have told your parents about them. I, for one, do not believe man on boy love is a sin, if the two involved truly love each other, but it is a little creepy. Have you considered having your memory erased if this is still on your mind?

Joe, I do not know you, but I think I have the start of a really good biography on you with just what I have put together in the previous three paragraphs. I will end my biographical report on you and will instead ask you if you think your reportage of Sarah Palin, who is not President of the United States, and is a private citizen just like you and Nancy D., is ethical? I lie, I continue my attack below.

I suggest you look into the current occupant of the White House and see if you can find three people who knew him when he was a boy in Hawaii, or a student at any of the three colleges he attended, or why his social security number seems reserved for Connecticut, or if he is a coke blowing homosexual member of a secret men's bath house in Chicago along with its current mayor?

This is a lot more intriguing than whether or not Sarah Palin had a normal premarital sex life. At least she did not sleep with Albert Gore, Jr like some people you know! I am not blaming your partner for her loose standards, after all it was the sixties, the sexual revolution, and the birth control pill and bra burning was great for those of us who came to sexual awareness in those heady times. Having sex back then was as casual as shaking hands. It was great! Then we got Roe v Wade passed so Nancy did not have to get anymore of those back alley and dangerous abortions! Five, wasn't it or did I miss one or two?

I have a misogynistic friend who has been a cuckold in each of his three marriages who is fond of saying: "All women are whores, except for your mother. But her mother was a whore!" I try to correct him and have him substitute the word "slut" for "whore" and he will have none of it as he says too much of his utterance would be lost in the translation were he to make that switch.

Sarah Palin did not drop out of Mount Holyoke because it had demerits and curfews and dorm lock downs at night, but your partner did. I find it enlightening that you find Sarah Palin's sexuality fair fodder for a book, but now you must get ready for the same magnifying glass into your own misspent life.

I know you are laughing, but I will offer 25 cents to anyone who knew your wife before or after you were married who did not have sex with her. I will make the same offer in reverse for you and any of your sexual dalliances either before or after your marriage. And Joe, if viagra cannot make it work now, you cannot claim your quarter for recent sexual inactivity with her. I know you banged her in the past or how would you explain Joe McG. Jr and his dog, Vegas. By the way is Vegas ok?

I mean nothing by that last statement as I am a dog lover and I am not a Union member, but what you have done to the Palins is creepy to most of middle America and I am man enough not to let you get away with it without some small admonishment in this inconsequential little blog, written by a crippled handicap who could not put three words together if it weren't for spell and edit check.

I am sure your neurons are not snapping together as they once did and now you find yourself having to write drivel to make a living. I do not think William Shakespeare or Mark Twain, William Faulkner or Ernest Hemingway fell to such dizzying lows as you. When the later lost the muse he did what any real man of letters worth his salt does; pow, off to the afterlife.

Joe, this last book signals the end of your remarkable literary career! Give it up, alcohol and age combine to addle the mind. Your muses left when you moved to Wasilla with the intent to besmirch a beautifully typical American family with more to offer our country and its sick political system than you and your family could ever dream.

You are a small-minded leftist puke and a has-been writer. You, if you make the history books, you will take your place beside Benedict Arnold and John Wilkes Booth as your toxic tomb can only be viewed as a literary assassination attempt against Sarah Palin. Nice try Jack-hole!

You sir, are a scoundrel, an unpleasant one at that!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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