Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Trims Government's Budget Painlessly

The congressional super committee is full of dolts. A room full of third graders in Singapore could fairly quickly balance a budget of 3.6 trillion dollars of a 120 billion dollar underfunding of this whopping 3.3% short fall by taking a deficit reduction charge against each check the US government and its agents print.

Congressional pay and slush funds to run their offices cut by 3.3%. President Obama's generous $400,000 per year salary reduced by a meager $13,200 per year to give him some skin in the game. Each $100 dollars in benefits would be dunned for a whopping $3.30, the cost of a nice Starbucks Latte, or even a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline.

Come on congress find your courage, if you can't eliminate waste by shearing off unnecessary programs and graft, then cut them all equally. Who can complain about that?

You're all a spineless bunch of do-nothings. Who is giving you your marching orders?
I suspect you will hear from the real owners of this nation next November when you are out looking for a lobbying job that pays better than the gig you just pissed away because you lacked the courage to do what was right for the country.

Pathetic! It is not rocket science, it is accounting, 101. If you geniuses in congress get in a bind, I'll bet the 3 grade Singapore students would be more than willing to help you fellows out.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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