Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Condemns Health Panel Unit Reduction Plans

A neurosurgeon reported that the HHS has determined American Citizens who reach and exceed the age of 70 will no longer be afforded neurosurgical interventions for head bleeds from aneurysms or other sources of bleeding. These aged citizens are referred to as units once they hit the golden years. Units over 70 will be offered comfort care only.

UPLC suggests all my followers who are approaching the golden unit years must immediately see President Obama's birth certificate designer/creator and shave at least 10 years off your age! I am only 48 as of today. How old are you?

Get your birth certificate changed immediately.

I know a judge who will change your age legally for about a hundred dollars.

Email me if you need to have a legal age reduction. Don't wait, your life depends upon it.

Welcome to Government Run Healthcare brought to you by the same people who brought you Waco and Fast and Furious.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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