Friday, November 18, 2011

There Is Nothing New In Newt:UPLC Warning States To Prepare Now

Neutron Bombs were removed from the US nuclear arsenal in the 1980's when some liberal pantywaist learned these weapons exploded and released gads of radiation killing men, women, and children indiscriminately without destroying the infrastructure. These weapons were quickly outlawed so now only outlaws have them.

Newt Gingrich has exploded onto the GOP scene, taking out Mitt Romney, a pantywaist, Herman Cain, an accused panty groper, and Michelle Bachmann, a person of interest. But there is nothing New in Newt Gingrich. He should never be considered a viable candidate for the American Tea Party.

Newt is an insider. Of course, the media will try to feign an all out attack against him, but this will only be a ruse. He will be welcomed with open arms by the media and the Washington elites.

Newt Gingrich has taken a Freddie Mac money whack which is a political slush fund, where politicians and their well connected friends take turns legally raiding the US Treasury to steal from the American taxpayer. Foul! I cry foul, and this is the tip of the corrupt iceberg in Washington.

"I am the CEO of a quasi banking/lending conglomerate and deserve millions in bonuses like we see down on Wall Street."

Disgusting! You are a thief and the corrupt system is your enabler.

If Chelsea Clinton had not landed that big job with NBC, I fully expected her to consult for the Mac's for a high six figure salary. She may still need this sort of work to keep her in the chips and as a player. At least she has a graduate degree from the London School of Economics and could perhaps make some recommendations which may stem the losses over there at Mr and Mrs F.(the taxpayer) Mac. Was Chelsea tired of going down on the titans of business in her interviews? Well, she is connected and by birthright is more than qualified to line up to take her turn drawing deep swigs from the public trough. She has lived in public housing most of her life.

Back to New Newt. The Tea Party will not be fooled by this professional politician who was most popular when he countered a president who popularized casual oral sex at the office. The stain was barely dry on the blue dress when the Contract with America was broken. Of its ten or so points, only a couple were ever taken to the bank. But it was only a small set back to the evil elements that have been drawn into the government, like organized crime, payoffs to the Nation of Islam, payoffs to Acorn, and payoffs to the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve bank.

Tea Party members did not pay much attention to these "business as usual" events until the dolts running the asylum pushed the payoffs beyond the limits of reasonable and customary. Now the past three years have seen our national debt climb by a third by ramping up the payola, five trillion dollars and climbing! The focus is on the payola. It will be really, really hard to get that genie back into the bottle.

I propose we, Tea Party Patriots, give the election process another try, but if things continue to spiral out of control, we must be prepared to dissolve our contract with our current criminal ruling class and be prepared to govern ourselves.

The Declaration of Independence was against the world's super power in its day, and there is no reason a similar declaration could not be made against a failing and broken system in our near future. Like minded sovereign states need to prepare now for the failure of the United States government, which will likely fall due to the coming world financial meltdown.

It will be a nasty time, but like minded people will be able to band together and protect life and liberty and our cream will rise to the top again.

Things will revert to barter when the full faith and credit of our nation is lost.
We have bartered before money was invented and we will become masters at it again.

Where did Newt go in this essay? Back to insignificance, where he belongs because he will be a "Warshington" business as usual (read corrupt)pol if we elect this insider president.

Newt Gingrich, he talks the talk, but he will not walk the walk.

Time for Tea to meet and put contingency plans in effect to be ready to hit the ground running when the great collapse comes. State and local governments will be our best places to start. The corruption is on a much smaller scale here locally. States must be ready to control any military and munitions stores in their jurisdictions so they do not fall into the wrong hands. They should be ready to monetize a state currency when the dollar fails. Trade must continue undisturbed by the hiccup the fall of Washington will entail.

The times they are a changing. I, as the mayor of Cedar Grove, will have a meeting of the Committee to Support the New Republic this week. I will put up the minutes of this meeting so other communities around the country will have a blueprint to follow.

I suggest we make inquiries to Argentina and the USSR about how they weathered their most recent failures. This wheel has already been invented. Our goals must be freedom, private property rights, and commerce for the good of the people, and a strong rule of law. The US Constitution and its original bill of rights may be a great starting point. Yeah?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. This way no one is surprised or disappointed.

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