Thursday, November 3, 2011

2012 Elections Already Determined: Republicans Win It All!

Occupy Wall Street will assure a Republican sweep of the elections next year.

When Abbey Hoffmann and the weather underground disrupted the democrat national convention in Chicago in 1968, the Tea Party was watching as contemporaries to such criminals as Bernadette (whose father wanted a boy really bad) Dorn and her slimy life's mate, Puke Willieman, formerly of the University of Chicago.

These Tea Partier parents did the only logical thing when faced with the lawlessness and disorder of these drug addled youths. They elected Richard Nixon president because he was deemed more of a law and order fellow than that lovable, little, dimpled, dumpling of a man, Hubert Horatio Humphrey, jr (D.) Minnesota.

Nixon cracked down on the yippies and Bernie and Puke hid out until it was safe to come out again. If Nixon's attorney general had captured these two, they may have gotten the M. Gadhafi treatment. Again it is comforting to know that punishment is meted out here in America based on one's status: trust funded monkeys in the short line to freedom on the left, all others back into your cells.

The OWS movement does not have the numbers to affect change at the ballot box, hence the acts of civil unrest. The Squeaky Fromme gets the grease as they say.

I will bet the republican who portrays him or herself as the most pro law and order (LnO) candidate will get the nod for the nomination.

Herman Cain is a forceful, no nonsense leader who could be the LnO nominee.

Newt Gingrich is an adult and could be seen taking these OWS malcontents to task.

Michele Bachmann, she is too beautiful and many of us would love a spanking from her.
LnO breaks against her chances for the nomination, but she might pull it off.

Rick Perry, still possible as a strong LnO candidate.

Rick Santorum, no gravitas when LnO is considered.

Mitt Romney, only slightly more formidable in the LnO arena than Michele. Milk toast sprinkled with dillweed. I doubt Mitt can even get his dog to listen to him.
Mitt is missing the alpha gene. You can't hide that from a dog. Mitt and Barack share this leadership flaw with Jimmy Carter and Billy Clinton.

Not to belabor the point, but if a good dog won't listen to you, you don't need to be president or running for president. A dog will not lie. It is not in them.

Bottom line: A Republican sweep is assured. Take that to the bank. Good-bye Obama.
Good-bye OWS protesters. Hello constitutional law and order. Play by and follow the rules or get back into your spider holes until the next useless idiot is elected president which probably will not be in your lifetimes!

The Tea Party gets it. You are coming in loud and clear! T-minus 12 months and counting.

Jack Maybolt, President
Urban Poverty Law Center

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