Wednesday, November 23, 2011

If Columbia Broadcast Syncophants Turn Against Congress's Corruption UPLC Can Take A Vacation With The Obamas

Believe it. I have a couple of very liberal friends who up until a week or so ago believed only the republicans were big business friendly money grubbing criminals. Now my favorite pal has turned on Nasty Pelosi because of her unflattering appearance on 60 minutes. The 60 minutes, a formerly hard hitting news show, which was famous for rooting out any corruption, be it in or outside of the US Government.

Before this latest look at Congressional insider trading perks, I could not convince my friend that both sides of the isle were filthy corrupt. I supported republicans only because they seemed to tax fewer of my income dollars than the multimedia supported whores of the democrat party.

Media yawned when Hillary Clinton turned a $1000 investment in cattle futures into a $100,000 gain in a year, back when a hundred grand would buy you a nice chunk of a Whitewater River side property.

More yawns when Franklin Raines and the low level dip shit woman at Justice, who is famous for setting up communication barriers between the federal super-agencies so the plotters of nein-eleven slipped through the spook traps, Jamie Gorelick?, her name slips my mind, but she knows who she is, took millions from the Freddie and Fannie Federal Money Laundering Scam!

And maybe 60-Minutes will take a closer look now that even the evil republicans are feeding at the treasure trough of governmental largess. Newt Gingrich's millions in consultation fees from Fred and Fanny and medicare? It just don't pass the smell test as we like to say here in the South.

Maybe somebody in control of CBS woke up and said, "Shit, these bastards are corrupt, behaving without morals or scruples! Selling the country our grandfathers fought and died for on the battlefields of World War II, and we are going to lose everything
if something is not done to right this ship!"

The rule of law died in America on the federal level some time ago. The majority of Americans are just waking up to it. The Tea Party is the rustling of the group of Americans who are still moral in their dealings with each other and have a strong belief in God. The Tea Party has been ridiculed as that great unwashed mass in fly-over country, who cling to their guns and bibles. By the way, guns keep you safe in this life and the bible will save you in the next. I suggest you look into that, especially the second one.

The Tea Party started the process of rooting out the corrupt pols in congress in 2010, and are coming for many more in 2012 and beyond.

Are there enough of us left to affect the cleansing which should be and must be taken to Washington? Barack Obama is not to blame, he is just the last of the hollow men to occupy the presidency, at a bad time in history. The financial house of cards began to fall on W's watch. The balance struck in nature between host (read American tax payer) and parasite (read federal government) has tipped dangerously against host and now the Tea Party is a sign Americans every where are sickened by what our government has become, a bloated, criminal, out of control thugocracy, where the next set of thugs (Baby Clinton) are being groomed to keep the thuggery in the family. Welcome to NBC News, Chelsea! I hear the Obama girls have been offered a show on MTV good until they are 21 at which time they will be appointed governors of the New York Federal Reserve Bank and sit on the boards of GE and Google!

Ain't no nepotism like governmental nepotism, right Al Gore, Newt, Solyndra, and many more yet undiscovered!

They openly raid the Treasury, aided by a compliant Federal Reserve Bank which is in on the ponzi scheme. The democrats are hoping they can divert America's attention with the shenanigans of the useful idiots at occupy what ever street, but time keeps on ticking into the future. A future without corruption?

We are one step closer to a cleaned up United States of America when venerable old media like CBS will take the baby steps necessary to shine a light on the cockroach culture of congress and its criminality.

Just maybe I will tune into 60 minutes again after I quit them 21 years ago when they stopped reporting the news and tried to be the news.

Exposing Nasty Pelosi for the evil greedy sell-out she is, is a step closer to representative government, or has our culture sunk to a level where we are all Nasty Pelosi.

Time will tell, or will they?

Seriously, if Time and Newsweek (is it still in print?) start reporting on the story, the gig is up!

When Nasty Pelosi has lost Jack Maybolt's confidence, it is not a problem. Jack is a right winger. But when Nasty Pelosi loses my liberal pal, it is a big problem. Now he views her to be as corrupt as he feels the republicans are.

The Liberation of America can't be far off. Let us see if Washington can manage to get the genie back into the bottle, un-ring that bell, or will they attempt to throw the nation into chaos by having their union thugs riot in the streets and ruff up and kill a few commoners in an effort to hang on to power in a diversionary move.

My proposal is to offer any pol who is guilty of crimes against the American people amnesty this year only. If they admit their crimes and rat out their handlers, they can take what ever they have and keep the generous pensions, but they must not run for office again, or become a lobbyist.

If after the take over of congress by Tea Party backed members, hearing are held and they are found to be corrupt, they lose everything. Jail time with Bernie and soon Jon Corzine. I suspect many in congress will announce plans not to seek re-election next year.

The ship is sinking and the rats know it.

What took you so long 60-Minutes? We were not watching you because you stopped watching them. You let us down.

Ready, set, REPORT! Tick-tick-tick-tick-tick.................

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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