Trouble is a brewing if professional cricket players are getting hard time for shaving points in cricket competition and Jon Corzine cooks the books for millions in MF Global and he is expected to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. It is refreshing to know punishments are still meted out here in the Western world relative to ones status. As the old American Express Card ad puts it, "Wealth has its privilege."
A Muslim woman in Malaysia is catching flack for writing a book extolling the virtues of keeping husbands sexually gratified. Is she serious? This will set the women at NOW, the National Organization For Women, on fire. The book is very graphic with sections on "wearing a hijab without panties", and "sex and prayer, is 5 times a day too much"? I am sure this book will be on every Muslim man's Christmas list for his wives! I wonder how or if the wives will share a book or if the husband will have to buy a copy for each?
Now that Libyan strong man Colonel M. Gadhafi has been sodomized with a utility knife and executed with his golden gun, Adolf Hitler's cyanide capsules make a lot more sense. And more shocking news from the Middle East: these countries who practice the religion of peace are going to live under its laws! Yawn. I believe in freedom of religion, and it should be regionalized. The Mormons live under their tenants in Utah and nobody is bothered. I say let the Muslims be Muslims in the Muslim regions. We can trade our paper for their unctuous commodity to power our economy and oil is well. I do not care if they limit interest on loans to 3.5%, or that they want a gold back currency in which to trade, or that a man is able to take 4 wives. Yeah, that is ok.
They are simple goatherds who keep women oppressed and execute homosexuals and adulterers by pelting them with stones. Thieves are separated from limbs. Drug dealers and sorcery practitioners are separated from their bodies. Executions are by decapitation and public. Bloody, but effective. There are very few witches in Somalia and ever fewer homosexuals and adulterers. Goatherds have had time to study and get it right, unlike their western counterparts who have gone estrace v testosterone.
Here oddities are praised and protected. There they are killed. Here murderers are read rights and spend 20 years in jail if convicted and may get a lethal injection if they do not die of old age first. There they are tried within a week, if guilty, out of court and off to the nearest soccer field for a half-time execution with the executioner's sword, swish, thud, gush gush, somebody take these parts away and hose off the playing field so we can start the second half. Cheers!
The teams are taking the field.
Boy to father: "Daddy, I do not want my head cut off like that man. I am going to be good!"
Father to boy: "That's my boy! Read and abide by the Quran and all will be good!"
Is it time for the world to come together and agree to disagree and live in social harmony?
Hillary Clinton: "Not until we get Syria and Iran back into the fold."
Barack Obama: "And we must wait until Uganda is back in the fold."
Geo W. Bush: "That oil belongs to the Iraqi people."
A. Merkel: "The Greeks must suffer!"
H. Cain: "Are those real?"
B. Netanyahu: "Aryans, Iranians? Who can tell the difference?"
G. Soros: "Not until I have all the money, I am the 1/millionth of 1 percent!
I am a God!"
I am: Jackson Delano Maybolt,
Idiot Savant,
Urban Poverty Law Center
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