Friday, December 18, 2009

Poverty On The Rise, Temperatures Dropping UPLC Report


Over at the Holladay Diner yesterday, I was talking with Jug Cochs about the economy and his tax preparer told him that Tennessee was going to require him to purchase workmans compensation insurance on hisself! Now I ain't that bright, but Jug is self-employed with no employees ceptin hisself. Tennessee wants him to be both employer and employee. He said he would be faced with a 15% tax of his gross if he made more than $52,000, imagine a tax of this magnitude applied to his other taxes. It might look something like this:

Jug Cochs tax return 2010

Gross income: $52,001
self employment tax / medicare tax $7,600
workmans comp tax $7,600
income tax $7,600
business tax $3,000
property tax $1,500
sales tax $2,000
total tax $29,300 total left for Jug to spend is $22,701

Jug is not a happy camper. He was even unhappier when I told him that even the serfs of the middle ages only had to give 1/12 to the lord of the manor. Jug wants to be a serf and not a slave. I agree, but I told Jug that me and the Urban Poverty Law Center was fighting on his behalf as soon as he drops over into poverty which looks like it is coming next year if these tax levels hold out! He was not amused. Seriously, working Americans are getting pissed off. This could make our work at the Law Center more difficult. Even Karl Marx knew it was easier to help pacified poor than the irritable poor. The hungry poor are most disagreeable and prone to outburst of violence. Stalin knew if you can't feed them you have to kill them. Those are just the facts as detestable as they may be. Hitler knew that a man without a gun is an easier mark than one with a gun. Americans have guns and no Hitler thus far.

The Urban Poverty Law Center's policy on gun control is "all legal residents of the fifty states should be free to own and bare arms, without infringement by anyone in government." Our belief is the current Federal Firearms Acts form is too intrusive and needs to be shortened to something like:

The New Urban Poverty Law Center ATF gun purchasing form: Do you already legally own a gun? If Yes, go ahead, buy another.
If No, why not?

Then go into the questionnaire on mental competence and felony convictions.

I need to make more of the shenanigans in Copenhagen by the Watchers. Watchers is a term we have here at the UPLC for those people who have moved up the people ladder and do not produce anything of value for mankind. All Watchers are easily identified by uncalloused well-manicured hands and perfectly coiffured hair and Italian suits. If they are not brown they are well tanned. Their teeth are their own and perfectly white. They work from 11am to 2pm with a 2 hr lunch break and two 30 minute coffee breaks. They all make 6 + figure salaries and travel all over the world free. They have generous expense accounts. The United Nations is staffed by Watchers. Urban Poverty Law Center will take a look at just one of these Watchers. His name is Doctor Rajendra Pachauri.

Dr. Pachauri is the head of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He is a graduate of the famous Railroad and Engineers Institute in India whose name escapes me now. He is not a Climatologist, he is a Watcher. He planned the Climate Confab in Copenhagen. He traveled over 443,243 miles over the past 18 months leading up to the Confab including two trips from New York to Delhi just to practice Cricket and play a Cricket match. He is a Watcher of the highest order. I have not ever seen a picture of Rajandra, but he must be very handsome and not know about computers and how to send emails or how to setup online meetings to save the planet of all the carbon spewing out of the backs of the UN jet fleet. Watchers are notoriously selfish and self servers. Watchers are wealthy, selfless people like Mother Teresa are poor. I have said too much for now, but be suspicious of all Watchers. Watchers only watch out for themselves. Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do. They think the people who are Producers are stupid, because if they were smart they would be Watchers like them. They are worse than the Scientologists.

More Later on Watchers and Producers.

Jackson Delano Maybolt,
Chief Sociologist, Urban Poverty Law Center

"If you think this is bad just wait for the second act." Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008

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