Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Urban Poverty Law Center's Balanced Budget Position


Watching Politicians in Washington DC squabble about where to spend trillions of dollars both from revenues and borrowed makes my right leg ache and it has not been attached to my torso for over three decades since the John Deere manure spreader mangled it back on that blustery spring day in 1978. I am on disability, SSI, and am only 56 yrs old. Believe you me, I would much rather be working at anything than poking around all alone in mother's house with my four cats. At least I can shape national policy in my work for the UPLC.

I really wanted to opine about the $1.7 trillion deficit that was put together with the TARP(Troubled Asses Relief Program) passed in 2008 and the Stimulus Package passed in January of 2009. This reckless spending before taxes are collected by our representative leaders shirking their fiduciary responsibility to the people is misinformed at best and criminal at worst.

Show me the money! Can Tim Geithner just give us an accounting of where all the TARP funds were placed? Did most of the cash go into secret accounts of Wall Street and Fed Reserve Fat Cats? Does some of this money make its way back into the campaign coffers of our Greatest Deliberative Bodies of the Universe? How will we ever know? No matter. What can we do about it anyway?

Why has only 1/4 th of the Stimulus Package been spent and why did ACORN get $5.7 billion dollars and the Urban Poverty Law Center got $0? Where is the justice?

I promised you a balanced budget plan for idiots. Most will agree that even our representatives could understand this plan. I will give you the one paragraph edition, though I will post the 1000 page edition later for those of you who are so inclined.

All US Gov payments are factored for the deficit. Total Monies spent $4trillion;
Deficit is $1.7 trillion. Reduce all US Gov payments by 1.7/4.0 which is a 42% reduction of all expenditures. Each $100 government outlay would only cost $58 dollars. All Government salaries would see the same cut including Senate, House, and President. If they deficit spend we all suffer equally. It seems only fair. With the balancing of the budget, the checks would go back to parity.

Jackson D. Maybolt, PhD
Chief Economic Adviser, Urban Poverty Law Center

"That's water under the bridge. Precisely where you want it." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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