Saturday, December 5, 2009

Urban Poverty Law Center Fun Razer Tragedy!


It is with a heavy heart and a broken soul that I must report that the first UPLC fun razer for the poor of Detroit was hit by unforeseen tragedy. Myrtle Millingen who was in charge of the kitchen plugged too many appliances into the outlets in a clear violation of Cedar Groves fire codes and fire consumed the Metropolitan Cedar Grove Bingo Parlor/ Food Bank. Fortunately no one was hurt, but by the time the all volunteer fire department arrived, there was nothing for them to do except cool the smoldering ashes of what once was a proud land mark in Cedar Grove for over a century.

I think all will agree that we will take our $217 that we raised for the Dozer for Detroit and apply these to rebuild the Bingo Parlor/Food Bank right here in Cedar Grove! Charity begins at home.

I have not given up on the Dozer for Detroit plans, but fate is such an unpredictable beast when all the best laid plans of mice and men are often lead asunder.

Me and Larry Simmons tried to list the Bigfoot big toe on ebay and were rejected. I do not think they believe us. We will try on Craig's List. It is Saturday afternoon and I have to get a nap as I had a fitful night after the fire and all. Even some time in mother's merkin drawer did not cheer me up. I'm down, I'm really down. I'm down, down on the ground! How can you laugh? When you know I'm down. How can you laugh?

More later when spirits lift out of the funk.

Jack D. Maybolt, PhD
Treasurer, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Just when you thought life could not deal you a worse hand, believe me it can!" Mother Maybolt 1922-2008

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