Saturday, January 2, 2010

Urban Poetry Law Center


Two Weak Absence
The Poem
By Jack D. Maybolt

Away in a manger no computer for to write
My mentor and hero his chest did get tight
Scaring us all and giving such a great fright
Praying each evening that he'd be all right

Hoping against hope that he would rush back
to the microphone which is golden and black
where he leads us to think our country is sacked
by the left and the right who is mostly whacked

The poetry is not poverty but this poem sucks
I am going to quit it and buy some new trucks

Jackson D Maybolt Poet Enematus
The Urban Poverty Law Center
Where we are into poverty, other peoples, that is.

"Never take a cat to a dog fight." Mother Maybolt 1922-2008

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