Monday, December 7, 2009

UPLC has its first employ


It is with great pleasure to let you all know the Urban Poverty Law Center has hired its first employee! Ms. Susan Blunderdoss has agreed to do light clerical work and cook supper three days a week. Now she is a fine church going lady. Attends the New Liberty Church for Christs Sake and sings in the choir. She is widowed and has a son, Toby Blunderdoss, who is 14 years old and attends the West Carroll County High School and plays the tuba in the marching band.

Here is where it gets interesting. Toby saw a special on the cosmos with Carl Sagan about 3 years ago and when he learned from Dr. Sagan the number of objects hurtling towards our blue planet, he became extremely agitated and finally after some coaxing from his mother confided in her his fear. He was afraid that one of those stones traveling at 17,000 mph and heading towards earth was going to strike him and kill him right there.

This phobia causes young Toby to walk in a sporadic fashion, always cutting this way then that, sometimes walking backwards sometimes taking side steps. This he feels makes him a harder target for that rock out there which he is convinced has his number. Mike McAnulty, the band director for the West Carroll County High School has been great. When they preform for high school football games he lets Toby march behind the band and allows him to do what ever free style steps he needs. The fans eat it up. Toby is in therapy, but his progress has seemed to hit a plateau.

Ms. Blunderdoss has typed the letter inviting former President Manuel Zelaya to Cedar Grove to become a fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center. I sent it with the mail carrier today care of the Brazillian Embassy in Honduras. I hope it gets there.

I am watching the proceedings in Copenhagen very carefully. I will come out with a policy statement in the next few hours. I think it is time to invite Al Gore, Jr to speak to the Cedar Grove Nudist's chapter for the prevention of global warming. They are not strict nudists as they will wear hats and gloves and boots on particularly blustery cool days. They are still a sight when they take their jogs through the community. Mother Maybolt used to say in disgust that is why god invented clothiers when she would see them jogging past our place in birthday suits.

Jack D. Maybolt, PhD.
President Urban Poverty Law Center

"If at first you did not secede, you must be the South after the Civil War." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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