Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Urban Poverty Law Center Not Just for the Poor


Nothing like a rainy day to lift one's spirit out of the doldrums, doldrums: a band of ocean around the equator where winds often are lacking for weeks and sailing vessels spent more boring time than most sailors could tolerate on glassy water at a standstill. A little history for the educationally challenged amongst us. I rested well last night since George Norry had a dullard on Coast to Coast.

My letter to President Obama is drafted below and I hope you will make constructive comments if it comes across too strong or too timid. Thank you for your time in this most important of endeavors!

Honorable President Barrack Hussein Obama
The White House
Washington, DC 20201

Dear Mr. President,

Let me first congratulate you because never has someone with so little gotten so far so fast in the short history of our representative republic. Your booming voice with its soothing quality is phenomenal. Even when you are saying nothing it is still impressive. Hearing you speak is like listening to opera, but in English! It is truly remarkable and wondrous. God blessed you with some pipes! Have you ever considered singing professionally?

I did not intend to praise you, for with the press as they stand, you surely do not need my accolades to complete your rising star or keep your ego inflated to XXXL, but I am in need of some serious help with my foundation. I know you have heard of the good work that we do here at the Urban Poverty Law Center. We work tirelessly for the rights of our poor brothers and sisters in the ghetto's of our nations largest and on the slide cities, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Austin to name a few.

We do voter registration drives monthly by hiring pregnant unwed teens to canvass local cemeteries for new registrants. We have fund raisers for community projects such as after school tutorial sessions and clean up abandoned lots and turn them into parks where our children can play. We have drives to buy poor children books they can read and exchange through our mobile book center.

As you can tell from this list of noble acts, we are serious about poverty. Our fellows here at the Urban Poverty Law Center have studied the root causes of poverty in our cities and find one common thread. Lack of money. We need a grant from you to get this message out. Poverty =
a lack of money. It seems simple on the surface, but it is not. Our fellows are hoping to take some grant money and spend/give it out in one of our poorest neighborhoods and then track where it goes. From our research nobody is doing this. We want to answer the question:
where does all the money go? When it hits the street, then what?

I feel certain a brilliant man such as yourself can see this research is vitally needed especially in these embattled times of increasing unemployment and poverty.

I am your dedicated citizen.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD
President, Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, TN

"The Good Lord will never burden a person with more that he can bare, but I sure wish He didn't hold me in such high regard." Mother Maybolt, 1924-2008

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