Wednesday, December 2, 2009

UPCL Fund Razer in Two Days!


Cedar Grove and the surrounding communities of Lavinia and Leach and Terry have all been abuzz with the excitement surrounding the First Annual Fund Razer For the Poverty Stricken
In Detroit Through No Fault of Their Own, (FAFRFTPSIDTNFOTO) for short. What is all the twittle and twaddle about? As followers of the Urban Poverty Law Center, you know the fund razer will be held at the Metropolitan Cedar Grove Bingo Parlor/Food Bank at 6:30 to ? and that barbecue and moonshine and drinks for the kiddies will be available for the low tickets prices, and that four 5 lb blocks of government cheese will be given out as door prizes, all this and more on December 4, 2009.

The buzz is whether Michaele Salahi and her husband will be attending even though they did not receive an invitation. Personally I do not see the attraction. I find her husband to be somewhat of a dud and she seems as appealing as yesterday's cheese grits adorned with lipstick stained cigarette butts. This is from a man who hasn't been with a woman since 1978. But hey, we are not unfriendly here in the South. If Michaele and her tubby man want to attend, they can pay the $7 just like everyone else and have the time of their lives! It is for a good cause, unlike some of the other party's they have recently crashed.

Flashback: Obama's State Dinner for India's Prime Minister, Sik Mi Diki, last week.

President Obama: "How very nice to meet you both Mr. and Mrs. Salahi."

Tareq: "The pleasure is all ours, Mr. President. My but our last name rolled off your tongue
with such ease! We are not used to that."

President Obama: "You forget that I was raised a Muslim in Indonesia and have a cosmopolitan
aire of sophistication not generally available to home spun Americans. You
know like the bunch that we recently replaced here at the White House.
Ha, ha. Praise be to Allaha ha ha."

Michaele: "Mr. President, can I call you Barrak?"

President Obama: "No, Michellie is right over there and may hear you."

Micheale: " Oh, OK, but I find you to be so charming and intellectual compared to my
husband here who I find, after all these years, is incapable of making
an honest living and we are down to government service or bankruptcy.
Can you find him a place in your administration, say a GS-17 or better?"

President Obama: "I will see what I can do. Do you mind living in Detroit?"

Michaele: "Wood eye?"

Well a true story, I have a cousin in the Secret Service and he details the President at the White House. We all know you can't be a Secret Service agent if you are a liar.

I know you are all anxious to hear the Urban Poverty Law Center's position on the ousting of President Manuel Zelaya and the recent election of Porfirio Lobo in Honduras. I am working on a statement, but this international policy stuff cannot be rushed and I hope to spend some time on it this afternoon. Afterall what do I have to do here in my hoveround?

Jackson D. Maybolt, PhD
CEO Urban Poverty Law Center

"Are you kidding? The universe is teaming with life. Why else would there be so much space out there? Mother Maybolt 1927-2008

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