Thursday, December 3, 2009

Urban Poverty Law Center Policy Statement on Honduras and Bitching


Hondurans saw fit to toss President Manuel Zelaya out of office when he tried to unconstitutionally hold onto power indefinitely. The Honduran Congress voted on his removal which is constitutional and the Supreme court held the congressional vote to be valid and he was removed by the military and not shot which is customary in South America, but not constitutional. Interestingly, all the dictatorial thugs in this hemisphere complained including Hildee B. Clinton, our esteemed Secretary of State. Apparently following a constitution sets a bad precedence in a representative republic. Tiny lil Honduras did not bow to the unconstitutional thugocracy and stuck with their constitution and elected Porfirio Lobo as president.

The Urban Poverty Law Center's position on Honduran self-rule and its stand against lawlessness is laudable and should be copied all around the world. The Hondurans traded a tyrant named Manuel Zelaya (translation "hand Job") for president Porfirio Lobo (translation "Blood Wolf")

Hats off to the Honduran people and their representatives for doing the hard work and keeping their people free of tyranny! Let's see President Blood Wolf or Hand Job, I know which one I would rather have at the controls of government. Viva Honduras! A tiny outpost of laws and freedom in a world of ever increasing lawlessness and tyranny.

We will see what the American people can do to stem the tide of unconstitutional usurpations set in motion by those currently at the wheel, drunk with power and high on self-aggrandizement and arrogance, in twenty-ten. Viva Americans!

Jackson D. Maybolt, PhD
Op-ed Chief, Urban Poverty Law Center

"If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it. What's a couple of minutes, anyway, it ain't nothing.
Then forget about it." Mother Maybolt's advice to cousin Martha should she be faced with another rape at a fraternity house. 1925-2008

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