Saturday, February 23, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Oh, That $44 Billion Dollars !

President B. H. Obama and his side kicks would have us believe the dreaded sequestration of the growth of new spending slated to kick in in a few days would have some really dire consequences to our already struggling economy and to vital governmental services.

The list of what a sequestered $44 billion will impact:

Air Traffic Control will shut down in the busiest airports, commercial flights would be canceled, transportation by air would be crippled.

Meat inspectors would have to shut down the meat packing plants.

The Pentagon would lay off 800,000 civilian contractors.

The State Department could not provide adequate protection for Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi.

The Armed forces would down size by 600,000 uniformed personnel.

Local teachers, fire and police protection would be curtailed.

School lunches for poor children would be halted.

Things that would not be impacted:

The president and his family's profligate use of Air Force One and the $1.8 billion dollars he spends each year on his travel and entertainment.

Whores for his secret service agents, though I hear from a really good source they are trying to negotiate a deal with the girls for a better price this year.  Senator Menendez has gotten them in contact with his girls in the Dominican Republic.

Leon Panetta's $60,000 a weekend Air Force flight back to California so he can spend some time in his home and have some R and R from his hectic role as Secretary of Defense.

The $12.84 spent on shotgun shells at Camp David for the box of shells Obama and his friends shot up shooting skeet in the past four years.

The $64 billion dollar yearly handout to our nations big banks to keep them profitable.

The $85 billion dollars the Federal Reserve Bank prints and loans to the government each month much of which is funneled into the Stock Markets to give the illusion of a robust economy.

In conclusion, would that the first 3,556 billion dollars the Federal Government rifles through each year could provide the same level of services as that last 44 billion dollars, I suspect one would find that $3.6 trillion dollars could fund our government for a hundred years.    There is just not that same level of efficiency there.

Are we paying a hidden gasoline and diesel tax?  Oil prices are no where near the historic highs of a few years back but the price of gasoline and diesel is about $4 a gallon.  Based on $96 a barrel our fuel should be costing about $2.80 a gallon.  What is up with at?  Is there a hidden fed tax increase on fuel?

And lastly, Sandra Fluke, America's Perpetual Student Poster Girl for the one-night stand, says the Pentagon should allow the transgendered and other freaks into the armed services.  I wonder whom she will chose as Pope Benedict XVI's replacement?

With free thinkers like Fluke pontificating and the media picking up on it, we have nothing to fear, but everything to lose.

The mediocrity and mendacity trickling up from our educational institutions is shocking, and this from a Georgetown Law Grad?

In the last of the lies, VW has a one liter car marketed in China with a diesel engine that carries two and gets 250 mpg.  Looks like a suppository on wheels.  Price is $600.  Goes 60 to 70 kph also.  So when will Sandra Fluke say we can have one of these in America?

Free trade?  Right!  The inmates are running amok.  And the band plays on.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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