Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: You Can't Stand To Hear The Truth

Back from the barnicle laden barges of Barcelona, my jet lag nearly exhausted, cured by several 12 hr naps and a fifth of Jack Daniels Old No. 7 whiskey and my Ukranian massusse, Svetlanna Gorbachev.
I am whole again which makes me think, and as I find myself ever more isolated by age and temprament, I realise I am alone inside my thoughts 99 percent of the time.  Thank God Almighty, I am meddling good company.

When my father and mother cohabited back in the 50's and 60's I was witness to many a good argument.  Both being of sound mind and better than average wits, the verbal barbs flew like arrows from Cupid's bow at an eighth grade prom during the first lights down low slow dance.

I could tell from the tenor the cards were stacked in mother's favor.  I do not recall what the disagreement was over, but I distinctly recall what my father's retort to mother was when he finally conceded defeat.

"You are much nicer when you have a lining in your uterus!"

My mother stopped and reflected for a second and they both began to laugh heartily.  The argument was ended by that shot.

I, in my dealings with the fairer sex, find my father's observation to be spot on.  In trying to tie this into current events, as is my habit, I wonder.  Could the Pentagon use this to their advantage in women in combat as it is proposed?

My recommendation would be to gather the female troops and get them cycling together as is the case if groups are gathered together so each week of the month we have a most fearsome fighting force available for deployment to what ever hot spot develops in our dangerous world.  Of course fitting fighting names would have to be agreed upon before hand.

The Menacing Menstrating 28th Army Battle Group, The Navy Tampons, The Marine Corps Redbox of Death, and The Red Pad Brigade are just a few of the possibilities. 

I believe I will stop there before I disenfranchise over 50 % of the population.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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