Saturday, February 2, 2013

UPLC: Who Will Leave Office First? Chavez Or Bob Menendez. The World Wonders.

Senator Bob Menendez has been accused of flying off to the Dominican Republic on a pals private jet and having sexual relations with an under aged goat.  Now before you say "ooough!"  It was I am assured by the proper authorities a nanny goat and not a billy goat. 

The goat only complained in public when Senator Menendez failed to uphold his end of the bargain by not paying full price for the sweet-meat.  Business is business and a deal is a deal be it flesh or money, reneging on a business deal is poor form and can lead to a lot of problems. 

The Obama Secret Service in Columbia found how loud the whores could scream when they were short changed for services rendered.  These guys should know you have to pay full price if you want truly secret service.  And the country looks on and sighs, good grief what a bunch of amateurs!  Pay the poor whore.  What are you saving your money for anyway, a BMW?

Now Senator Menendez has fallen prey to big guys don't pay for whores, and underage whores are still whores of the flesh anyway.  He will likely resign from his senate seat because of this and if he was a republican he would have already been run out of town.  He will hang on for a couple of months until people get really tired of looking at this utterly classless lowlife who defiles babies and teen aged girls in third world countries and then tries to behave as though nothing unusual has happened.

Good luck with that former Senator Bob Menendez.  You are pitiful and deserve to be tarred and feathered and be the main feature in a Mexican donkey show. 

I would pay full price to see that!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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