Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Joins US, Japan, China In Chiding North Korea

Kim Jong un, the diminutive and portly young leader of the North Koreans is playing into the globalists plans to keep each hemisphere of the globe in some sort of political turmoil so they can get their apparatus in place to take over control of the world through one world government! 

Asia is fracted by Kim's nuclear ambitions.  Africa is a given for perpetual turmoil with its history of despots and thugs which is as much in the nature of Africans as biting is to the female mosquito.  It is who they are.  It is what works in a highly competitive environment.  Nice guys finish last in Africa.

Israel v Palestine and all the country states placed in the Mideast by the globalists after WWII has kept that area in fits of violence with no progress towards peace and  unification for over 70 years. 

Castro and Chavez have kept the heat on over on our side of the ponds but only to the extent the gnat bothers the elephant. 

It seems only the Dutch have avoided all conflicts and are poised to have the most to lose when the final takeover comes.

I believe the current group of global elites suffer from what we know in the US as sit-com syndrome.  We grew up watching half hr TV shows based on the successful formulation of conflict-conflict resolution all in the frame-work of half an hour. 

The Soros/Clinton/Bilderberg's/CFR/TLC/Rovarians/Bushies et Al Gore are aging poorly and wanting to rush this thing along.   They risk screwing the pooch if they show their hands too soon.   I suspect their offspring will lose sight of the prize and their plans will fail.  They know the young have lost IQ but are not sure what is driving the dumbing down of our offspring.

The Americans have been fed corn syrup to the point of bursting.   Pant and dress sizes have never been larger in America.  Only now are the elitists ready to make a move on our weapons. 

I suspect the stimulus that was not there was funneled off to build and supply the secretive army of this great big old gang of elitists who will not be happy until everything is under their control.  The billions of rounds of ammunition purchased by and spread throughout the various governmental departments, Social Security, DHS, even the department of Education is clandestine and will go to supply this secret force which will only pledge allegiance to its corporate masters.

Since WWII Americans have funded the world's police force, and now with our fiscal contraction we are in no financial state to continue to do so.  Our monies now go to keep grandma and grandpa fed and diapers changed in our nursing homes.  Our roads need rebuilding as do our bridges.  Corporations will need to pick up and pay their fair share for a free trade world.  Your corn fed Americans are beginning to balk.

Make no mistake, America.  Hitler is rearming!

I am to the age that I have no dog in this fight.  I do have relatives with young children and, for them, I hope for the best.  Many who schooled in the public system are enamored by President Obama and have a blind trust that the government is a benign father figure. 

Legalized abortion should alarm everybody as to governments belief in the sanctity of life.  The elites are cold and calculating.  They are Godless.  They abide by no set of rules.  They play to win.  They are ruthless.
Man has lived under despots before and nothing is certain but change.  These people, too will collapse into the dust heap of history just like all the rest.  Someday they will be but a footnote in history.

Where in nature is the model under which these masterminds of one world government seek to emulate?

Each ant colony is independent and works only for the queen.

No man is an island, yet we are all islands.  Man must not be crammed into one world government.  It is not in our nature.  Send away the Morlocks!

Now where did I put my corn flakes?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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