Sunday, February 10, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Concludes, C J Dorner Is Deceased

One cannot turn on a television or radio without hearing a report about the giant manhunt ongoing in the west for 33 year old former navy special ops ex-LA cop, Christopher J. Dorner.  He is accused of killing three people based on a slight meted out to him in 2008 when he was fired from the LAPD for complaining the cops were corrupt in LA and racist.

I am not here to debate who is right and who is wrong here.  The LAPD have a role to play in California and far be it from me to be critical having never walked a mile in their shoes.  Dealing with dirtballs and near-do-wells and low information voters has to take a toll on one's outlook towards fellow man.

Anyway, the rub of this treatise is here.

His burned out truck was found near the mountain community of Big Bear in California.  Inside were camping equipment, and several of his weapons.  His body will be found within a few miles of this vehicle next fall when the hunters take to the woods.

To quote Dr. McCoy from Star Trek:  "He's dead, Jim."

If my prediction proves incorrect, I will listen to Rush Limbaugh for an entire week.  That should do it.

Free Snow Cones in Boston for a limited time only.

A 150 foot wide asteroid is set to skim by earth on February 15th, passing within 17,000 miles.

Spectral analysis of the object indicate it is equal parts gold and uranium.  The North Koreans have plans to launch a large harpoon towards the speeding heavenly body in hopes of capturing it.   I am sure this is pure folly.  What could possibly anchor this speeding object and arrest it trajectory?  I am beginning to suspect the North Koreans are fools.

Has anyone informed the NK's the earth is traveling at 17,000 miles per second through space and this asteroid is traveling at a similar rate of speed through space, that their line will surely snap and when it does watch out since it will probably snap back to earth at thrice the speed of sound and take out a lot of people in the process.

Just in case, I plan to stay inside that day.  I do not feel good about it.  It makes me uneasy knowing mother earth has a large bulls eye on it and the heavens are playing marbles.  I was hoping to shop at Wal-Mart that day, the kitty litter is starting to ferment.

I am going to be really angry if half the earth is destroyed by some cock-a-meme plan cooked up by some mad scientist in North Korea.  I like earth just the way it is.  Warts and all.

Did you see a solar scientist believes the sun has a molten core of iron just like our earth's core?

Are we living on a small part of the sun?  Is global cooling more a matter of how hot the earth's core is and how it vents from volcanoes, deep water heat vents and the like?  The world wonders?  My well water is a steady 58 degrees F.  The earth is a giant furnace radiating heat outwards at a steady rate for billions of years.  Who knew?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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