Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Rubio's Big Gulp

No doubt about it, President Obama is the greatest orator since Adolf Hitler who brought the German people out of their post WWI funks and delivered retribution for reparations to the responsible parties with his theatrics and exaggerated hand gestures and oral gesticulations!   The only thing more respectable than his talk was his war machine.  Ja?

Obama, with his teleprompter can move mountains with the finest soothing baritone voice since Barry, what-is-name, White?  "Baby Love?"   With just his big old jug-eared head twisting back and forth from right tele-p to left tele-p, as if in cadence with spectators at center court for the finals of Wimbledon, the audience is lulled into a trance like state where the words are not important, just the sounds emitted from this man's craw carry the day.

Can anyone who watched the speech quote one line?  I know I can not.  You see the speech was meaningless as is most political talk.  It is filled with the high minded platitudes we have become accustomed in this era of broken government.  There is talk of $9 an hour minimum wages to offset $5 per gallon gasoline.  Better health care for Americans provided by health care professionals who now struggle with cumbersome computer programs that interfere with the simplest health care interventions. 

Then the stale pablum about the shared sacrifice the successful in this country must make.  Next the braggadocios bravado about taming Al Qaeda.  So what?   Our 30 yr old in our F-35 can outrun and out gun your teen on a donkey.

Why don't we pick on someone our own size.  First World War Machine v 8th century goat herds.
Strike up the band, bring em home.  Where are the spoils of war?  Their women?  Their gold?  Their land? Could we at least get in on the poppy action?

War without gain is a pitiful, worthless, and utterly unworthy undertaking.   We are paying for it with our steadily shrinking treasure which we can place a value on and the lives of our young men and women who sacrifice everything whose families grieve their loss forever.

Twenty-two suicides a day among our returning veterans?  Really, Mr. Obama, really?  Is that all we got for a trillion dollars?  A lousy t-shirt?

Grow a pair, shut this nonsensical war machine down.  We are not barbarians.  We come in peace.  Reduce the men and machines down to the numbers needed to protect American interests.  Be ready to nuke a knuckle head if he steps across the line.

In a time when our bureaucrats are ready to withhold health care expenditures on the elderly "hopeless cases" should we not look at our military forays with the same jaundiced eye?

Iraq, hopeless, Afghanistan, hopeless, pull the plug, stop the bleeding of national treasure and our children's treasured lives.

Marco Rubio's big gulp.......America's got bigger fish to fry than that.....big deal.  I was hoping for a lip smack and a loud belch followed by a self-satisfied sigh, and frankly I too found President Obama's SOTU
address hard to swallow.

I can excuse Rubio's big gulp, but the big lies spewing out of President Obama's gullet last night are beyond the pale.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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